For Fans Of: War, Historical Drama, Biography Why These Movies Are Worth Going Back to the 80's: Glory is an inspiring Civil War epic that brings to light the heroism of the first all-African American volunteer regiment. With its star-studded cast featuring notable ac...
10)The Plough Department of Song Dynasty Title: 大宋北斗司 / Da Song Bei Dou Si Episodes: 36 Broadcast network: Tencent, iQiyi Cast : Xu Ke as Tai Sui Dai Lu Wa as Wu Yaoguang Zhang Yu Jian as Liu Suifeng Huang Can Can as Kai Yang Synopsis: Four young heroes who possess superpower...
Kingdom has a staggering roster of characters, most of whom are actual historical figures who played important roles in China’s warring states period. The epic human drama unfolds over each action-packed page, with enough twists to surprise even the most devoted Chinese historian. As of writing...
Selma is a poignant historical drama based on the events, directed by Ava DuVernay and with David Oyelowo starring as King. WATCH NOWAdvertisement - Continue Reading BelowFilm, TV & Theatre Everything to Know About With Love, Meghan Babygirl Leans Into the Fetishism of Power What to Expect ...
Genres: Adult, Drama, Historical, Horror, Smut, Tragedy, Yaoi Volumes: 1 Published: June 2007 Ever since laying his eyes on Baron Kuroba, Seiji has had this insatiable desire to know more about him and the residents that live there. Rumors have spread that servants in the residence are bei...
Stonewall is a 1995 historical comedy-drama film. Inspired by the memoir of the same title by openly-homosexual historian Martin Duberman, Stonewall is a fictionalized account of the weeks leading up to the Stonewall riots, a seminal event in the modern American gay rights movement. Stonewall was...
The large-scale and well-produced Chinese historical TV dramas are always welcomed by audiences in many Southeast Asian countries, including "Kangxi Dynasty," "Water Margin" and "Yongzheng Dynasty." "Kangxi Dynasty" is a Chinese television series based on the novel "Kangxi Da Di (The Great Kan...
This fusion historical drama has action, comic gags, romance, political intrigue, betrayal—but lacks subtlety. The tone is uneven, but Kang Ji-hwan is wonderful. (7 / 7) Hyang Dan Jeon(2007) aka The Story of Hyang Dan, 향단전 ...
47 min | 3,030 min (Entire series) 1. Breaking Bad (2013) Genre:Crime, Drama, Thriller Director: Actors:Bryan Cranston (Walter White), Anna Gunn (Skyler White), Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman), Dean Norris (Hank Schrader), Betsy Brandt (Marie Schrader), RJ Mitte (Walter White - Jr.), ...
“As Reeve’s film leaks historical allegories like a zesty geyser, his political astuteness pans to a smart dissection of why we choose war in the first place. War is a side effect of fear, fear a scar of misunderstanding. Koba’s are scars that cannot be healed. Dreyfus won’t stand...