这是一款以全新外形TRANSFORMERS变形金刚的方式设定了TOP GUN“Maverick” 的造型,这是一个全新的空中战士角色。而机型选择是采用了首部《Top Gun壮志凌云》电影中标志性的Northrop Grumman F-14Tomcat雄猫双发喷气机的变形转换样式。 变形金刚Maverick造型大部分部件完全使用了塑料组件,关键的连接轴部位使用了金属签,这...
Brand: Revell Title: Top Gun Maverick's F-14 Tomcat easy-click system Number: 04966 Scale: 1:72 Type: Snap-Tite Released: 2020 New decals Barcode: 4009803049663 (EAN) Packaging: Folding box (Side opener) Topic: Grumman F-14 Tomcat » Jets (Aircraft)Login...
3. Grumman F-14 Tomcat 雄猫F-14由格鲁门公司生产,1986年“Top Gun”里的经典机型,美海军早期的多功能超音速舰载战斗机,阿汤哥开着它与对方Mig-28 米格-28在空中dog fight 缠斗还历历在目,不敢相信这次阿汤哥居然还要再驾驶它迎战Su-57,还好影片结尾给了我们一个很好的解释。 4. Sukhoi Su-57 Felon 重犯Su...
剧中阿汤哥扮演的LT Pete(彼得上尉)绰号 "Mavericks(独行侠)"是一位F-14飞官,因能力突出,其带领的机组被送往“TOP GUN”学校进修,却突然遭遇战友意外死亡的挫折,最后迷茫的Mavericks完成了自我救赎,击落了技艺高超的苏联战机。现实中的”TOP GUN”是一门美国海军开设的航空课程,更多的代指开设该课程的“海军战机武...
这个故事的中心是Maverick和年轻Top Gun飞行员之一: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw上尉 (由Miles Teller饰演)的对立。Maverick和Rooster有着很深的渊源,Rooster是Maverick牺牲的亲友,曾担任RIO[4](雷达拦截官)Nick “Goose” Bradshaw的儿子。两人从F-14 Tomcat里弹出时Goose遭遇意外不幸牺牲。前作里的这个画面,让一代...
Top Gun: Maverick took some creative liberties, and according to a fighter pilot, one aerial maneuver in the film is physically impossible.
TOP GUN MAVERICK 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13 作者: J Trent 摘要: There is never not a good time to celebrate the operational career of the F-14Tomcat. One of the most iconic and memorable airframes ever, the aircraft served for some thirty years with the US Navy ...
The simulated demise of the Tomcat should soon be captured in the A-4's gun camera, but the F-14 is being flown by Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, a gifted but troubled pilot. He pulls the massive swing-wing fighter up and is soon behind the overshooting Aggressor - the tables are turned....
這次「變形金剛 獨行俠」的載具型態即是表面經過舊化處理的 F-14 雄貓式戰鬥機(Grumman F-14 Tomcat),再現了機體線條、駕駛艙、搭載的飛彈、可變後掠翼的機構...等,機身也在多處印製了 114 的編號,排氣管則施以帶有重量感的金屬感上色,另外,本作還附上了迷你的摩托車可以搭配展示。 再來看看...
reconditioned F-14 Tomcat (the plane used in the first Top Gun movie).If not for Maverick’s knowledge, the escape wouldn’t have been possible. The military isn’t alone in using oldtechnology. In fact, in most large organizations,several generations of technology are layered together.Banks...