2024年英国最佳私校和公校TOP100 近期,英国权威媒体《星期日泰晤士报》(The Sunday Times)发布了其2024年版的《家长力量学校指南》(Parent Power 2024 Schools Guide)。这份指南基于2023年夏天A-level和GCSE考试的成绩来进行排名,此外还会参考大学去向、家长反馈等方方面面。...
25 Bexley Grammar School, Welling 26 The Charter School, Herne Hill 27 The St Marylebone C of E School 28 The London Oratory School, Fulham 29 Fortismere School, Muswell Hill 30 Alexandra Park School, Haringey Top independent secondary schools in London 1 St Paul’s Girls’ School, Hammersm...
贝德福德学校Bedford School由英格兰及爱尔兰国王爱德华六世(King Edward VI)创办于1552年,为全英24大公学之一,是英国东南部Bedford市中心的一所走读及寄宿制男校。 2023年,Bedford School荣获《财富》杂志教育指南评选的2023年度“全球最领先寄宿男校Fortune’s World’s Leading Boarding Schools’ for 2023“称号,并...
Grammar Schools Underperform, Says Top AcademicGRAMMAR SCHOOLS in Britain's biggest selective area are underperforming and have failed to deliver the exam results the brightest pupils deserve, new research by a leading academic and government adviser suggests.Cassidy, Sarah...
华威学校建于914年,是英国第五古老的学校,被一年一度的Independent Schools of the Year Awards(年度最佳私立学校奖)评为2022年的年度最佳男子私立学校。 学校占地50英亩,多年来培养了众多各界精英,包括海洋划艇和极地探险家吉尼斯世界记录保持者Daniel Byles和儿童文学作家Simon Cheshir 也是从华威学校毕业的。
9 Royal Grammar School 学校类型:私立男校 地理位置:英格兰东南部吉尔福德 学生年龄:3-18 成立时间:1509年 现任校长:SK Creedy 课程:GCSE、A-Level 皇家文法学校位于英格兰东南部吉尔福德,是一所面向 3至 18 岁男孩的私立学校。皇家文法学校成立于 1509 年,历史悠久,在学术卓越方面享有全国声誉。 在皇家文法学学...
42 492 Oldham Hulme Grammar Schools 43 498 St Bees School 44= 514= Westholme School, Blackburn 44= 514= Wirral Grammar School for Boys 46 555= Stonyhurst College, Clitheroe 47 574= Calday Grange Grammar School, West Kirby 48 584= Fallibroome Academy, Macclesfield ...
Top 30 boarding schools in England based on percent estimate matriculation to Oxford and Cambridge University
Top 30 private day schools in England based on percent estimate matriculation to Oxford and Cambridge University
School Guildford in Dubai opened in September 2021. It is the second school in the Middle East to be established in partnership with the 510 year old UK school - the other opened in Qatar in 2016. The Royal Grammar School Guildford UK is one of the most academically successful in the ...