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Angel Legion: 3D Hero Idle RPG FreeOffers in app purchases Free+ Striker Zone: War Action, Shooter Adventure Game FreeOffers in app purchases Free+ Despicable Me: Minion Rush FreeOffers in app purchases Free+ Modern Combat 5: Blackout FreeOffers in app purchases Free+ Perfect Shift FreeOffers...
浅谈一下《Top God: Battle Kings》,在国内成功貌似已经是去年的事情,甚至就连最近很长一段时间都很少再看到关于史莱姆like类游戏的讨论或新品推出。在这个节点选择出海再战,或许是真的对海外市场没有什么强烈的需求吧。玩家推荐 如果你是《Legend of Slime: Idle RPG》(史莱姆传奇)的爱好者,如果你对卡通画风的...
新上线的两款冰雪生存题材游戏《Whiteout Survival(寒霜启示录)》和《Frozen City(冰封时代)》也都是「模拟经营+」逻辑下的产物,只不过前者更偏向重度SLG,后者则在多元玩法上做了轻度化处理。另有《Idle Mafia》《飞龙岛历险记》也贡献了不错的营收,同样是吃到了品类融合/副玩法的红利。《Whiteout Survival...
Mobile Games Gaming Guides Mobile Apps Mobile Game Most gamers prefer to play mobile games that require less attention and action, in which idle management games and other RPGs with auto battles became popular. But some hardcore players prefer to play more games that let them focus on playing,...
暂时处在了一个投放的低位,两款闯入全球模拟手游投放榜 Top 10 的出海手游貌似都遭遇了“滑铁卢”……速诺科技继续培育《Car Fix Tycoon》,似乎不会放弃这一偏男性向的放置+模拟经营的游戏品类;而《Idle Magic School》的发行账号则在今年 4 月悄然上线了一款名为《Dating Restaurant-Idle Game》的模拟游戏,回归...
而这些元素则与我们前面分析的ARPU值最高阶段的用户所喜爱的休闲游戏中的Idle、Tycoon玩法非常相似,更容易吸量。 美国iOS《万国觉醒》部分推广素材 从推广渠道来看,除了Facebook、YouTube、Twitter等传统社交、流媒体推广平台以外,我们还可以从网盟优化后展示的广告位中得到一些启发。据App Annie统计,截至2019年8月底,...
Idle games on Android are usually the best solution since they let you progress quite effectively even without being active for long periods of time.
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms offers players free chests, buffs, and in-game items through Idle Champions Codes These codes consist of 12 or 16 characters and can be entered in the game's combination dialog Codes can unlock various items, heroes, and upgrades, with new codes frequentl...
其实,类似的产品并非首次出现。自《Legend of Slime: Idle RPG War》大火后,仅在微信小游戏中,罗斯基至少见过10款类似玩法的产品,但目前只有《次神光之觉醒》一款突出重围,冲上了排行榜靠前的位置。且据知情人士透露,《次神光之觉醒》日买量投放过百万,累计流水已经达数千万。