17. Vscode-icons Vscode-icons is a Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension that enhances the file and folder icons in the editor. It provides a rich set of icons that visually represent file types, frameworks, languages, and folder structures, making it easier to identify files and navigate ...
This is top 10, for more click Top 100 Stars in Clojure RankingProject NameStarsForksLanguageOpen IssuesDescriptionLast Commit 1 FiraCode 75995 3070 Clojure 386 Free monospaced font with programming ligatures 2024-05-10T03:31:28Z 2 metabase 37182 4932 Clojure 3848 The simplest, fastest way to ...
60 MvsCode/frps-onekey Frps 一键安装脚本&管理脚本 2767 2 2024-01-01 61 Ridter/TorProxy 利用Tor搭建Socks5代理,动态切换IP 182 2 2023-11-08 62 jerry048/Dedicated-Seedbox - 563 1 2024-01-22 63 Flik6/getNode 每小时更新最新的Clash、v2ray节点信息 533 1 2024-02-03 64 ophub/amlogic-s9xx...
If you like material design-inspired icons, then vscode-icons is also a good one to check out. With over 9 million installs, vscode-icons supports globalization and comes with the ability to customize with your icon packs, automatically detects your projects, and allows for custom configurations...
In VS Code, pressctrl+pand execute the commandext install SonarSource.sonarlint-vscode.Or you can visitVS Code Marketplace, search for theSonarLintextension, and directly install it in your local VS Code application. However, SonerLint extensions require some prerequisites like JRE 11+ to work pr...
8. vscode-icons vscode-icons brings a touch of visual brilliance to your coding workspace by replacing the default file icons with a vast collection of attractive and intuitive icons. Vs Code Icons extension. Features: Provides a wide range of icons for different file types, folders, and popula...
You can check out a number of examples in a gallery, and there’s also a tutorial that gets you up to speed on best practices for using the library — assuming this happens to be your niche! Modern Font Stacks Modern Font Stacks is a resource to help you identify the best-performing ...
-- Bootstrap core CSS --><linkhref="./css/bootstrap.min.css"rel="stylesheet"><style>.bd-placeholder-img{font-size:1.125rem;text-anchor:middle;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none;}@media(min-width:768px){.bd-placeholder-img-lg{font-size:3.5rem;}}</style...
之前看别人使用vscode的时候,能直接运行js文件,我一直使用idea开发,每次运行js都是通过命令窗口执行node xxx.js。其实idea是可以直接使用node执行js。...在没安装node插件之前,右键一个js,是这样的: ? 没办法直接运行,通过terminal执行node xxx.js也不行,会直接报错。...直接install,然后重启一下,然后右键js文件:...
code --install-extension formulahendry.vscode-mysql code --install-extension fosshaas.fontsize-shortcuts code --install-extension gurgeous.bust-a-gem code --install-extension huanent.fix-ctrl-space code --install-extension kumar-harsh.graphql-for-vscode ...