Compare all of the best distance education colleges located in Florida to pursue an online bachelors degree, associates, or online masters program degree. Including cost of tuition, degrees they offer, enrollment rates, faculty, famous alumni, and more. Recommended Schools Adventist University of Heal...
Public colleges and universities typically operate under the supervision of state governments and are funded, in part, by tax dollars and subsidies from the state. As a result, these universities often offer discounted tuition to residents of their states. Public schools run the gamut from small ...
28位:加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California, San Diego 28位:佛罗里达大学University of Florida 28位:南加州大学University of Southern California 32位:得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas at Austin 33位:乔治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology 33位:加州大学欧文分校University of California, I...
第64位:Florida International University 第64位:James Madison University 第64位:University of Central Florida 第64位:University of Missouri 第64位:University of Oklahoma 第64位:University of South Carolina 第70位:California State University--Fullerton 第70位:Miami University--Oxford 第70位:University ...
最佳公立大学(Top Public Schools)、最佳本科教学学校(Best Undergraduate Teaching)、区域性大学(Regional Universities)、区域性学院(Regional Colleges)、性价比最高学校(Best Value Schools)、本科最佳商科项目(Best Business Programs)、本科最佳工科项目(Best Engineering Programs)以及最佳创新学校(Up-and-coming Schools...
Anderson, Mazie
官网网址: 本次排名亮点 TOP30方面,加州大学逆风翻盘。UCB和UCLA携手前进5名位列TOP15,UCD狂升10名位列第28,UCSD紧随其后一起进入TOP30。 常年TOP30的NYU和维克森林大学今年排名下降明显,无缘前三十,分别位列第35和第47名。
(数据来源: Part.2 {申请&国际生数量/比例} 01 申请 随着佛罗里达大学一路从四十多排名冲刺到前三十,申请人数在过去十年里呈现较大增长趋势,但录取率则有所下降。我们也由此可以看出录取佛大的竞争越来越激烈。
In the case of a tie, we awarded the higher ranking to the cheaper school. The following 100 best online colleges and universities offer quality distance education programs: #1—St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg, Florida Website Points: 11 ...