2018 FT Global MBA Ranking排名第2名,根据福布斯调查显示,INSEAD的投资回报率在全球商学院中位列第2名。2018全球最受雇主欢迎商学院排名第5位。 学校项目: ① MBA ② Global Executive MBA ③ Tsinghua-INSEAD Dual Degree Executive MBA ④ Executive Master in Finance ⑤ General Management(强势项目) 申请要求:...
Explore this year’s results in the global table linked below, or use the regional breakdowns to learn more about the top full-time MBA programmes in a particular part of the world. If you have any questions about how our ranking is compiled, please consult our methodology. We have also r...
organizes one-to-one career advising and coaching, workshops, corporate presentations, company days, CV book and job postings. According to the latest Forbes ranking of ROI, the SDA Bocconi MBA is the 3rd best non-US program, and the School remains the only Italian institution present in the ...
QS Global MBA Rankings 2025: Europe Discover the top full-time MBA programmes in the world with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2025. London Business School is the top full-time MBA provider in Europe, one of 91 business schools from the region to be included in this year's ranking. ...
MBA向来以耗时短、含金量高、国际化强为人所称道,干货知识和人脉资源两手抓,大大提升个人价值,拓宽职业视野。 英国《金融时报》 Financial Times发布了2023全球MBA排名(Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2023),法国共有7所商学院上榜: INSEAD商学院全球第2/欧洲第1 ...
当然也有学生说,如果你一旦没有选到好老师的课,你这两年就和什么都没有学一样,特别是finance背景的人,因为最强的finance课程也和CFA的内容没有区别,有人感觉这2年投资不值,呵呵! Chicago是top 5中唯一有part time mba的,full time的学生有抱怨说经常好的老师跑去教PT了,导致他们选不到那些课。Ivy league都...
The MSc Financial Economics degree at Oxford (Said) is ranked as the world's best master's in finance degree, one of 222 business schools and master's programmes to feature in this latest ranking. HEC Paris's Master in International Finance is ranked in second place, while MIT (Sloan) ha...
申请专业:Master of Professional Engineering-Civil Enginee... 查看院校 进入案例 申请人员:董同学 申请院校:赫瑞-瓦特大学 申请专业:Finance and Management MSc 查看院校 进入案例 申请人员:陈同学 申请院校:香港中文大学 申请专业:Master of Science in Geoinformation Science 查看院校 进入案例 热门...
Top MBA Specializations In Odisha, a number of specializations are offered by various management colleges. Some popular specializations areFinance,Human Resource Management,Marketing,International Business, Information Technology, etc. If you have any other queries about...
简介:Top ranking 金融硕士项目,就业数据良好 时长:9个月 学费:£45,000 课程架构:项目课程由金融学教授与经济系教授共同教授 核心课程:Asset Pricing 资产定价、Corporate Finance 公司金融、Financial Econometrics 金融计量经济学、Economics 经济学、选修课(5门)包括公司估值、金融危机与风险管理、金融市场交易、金...