Fans of the popular 1980s NBC television series, Miami Vice will recall that Michael Mann was the Executive Producer of the show during its run. He has a distinctive crime thriller style that goes perfectly well with Heat, a sizzling 1995 offering starring two film greats-Al Pacino and Rober...
Deathdream (also known in some circles as Dead of Night) is a 1972 horror offering directed by Bob Clark and written by Alan Ormsby that plays out like a very good science-fiction meets gruesome horror type of The Twilight Zone episode. This is not to say it’s amateurish though in cer...
From the first 10% stake that Tencent partners took in 2019 through September’s $53 billion launch on the Euronext Amsterdam in September, the largest initial public offering in the history of the music business, Universal Music’s legal team guided the process that not only lifted the company...
In a seismic move for the agency world, the pair helped Endeavor bring a public offering in April — a stock that continues to outperform expectations, especially for an entity built on the back of a talent agency. Endeavor’s Emanuel and Whitesell were heavily involved in the initiative. ...
It’s rare for a contestant to sing an original song on Idol, especially during the audition process, but Meuse defied the odds by offering up her own composition. “The original inspiration for ‘Blue-Eyed Lie’ is a man-child I dated in my early 20s. It was one of my first serious...
“Rabbit Hole” (2010): Nicole Kidman was Oscar-nominated for her work as a grieving mother in this film, based on a play by David Lindsay-Abaire and directed, with unexpected wit and warmth, by John Cameron Mitchell. ...
The main influence and crucial blueprint for most modern sketch comedy, to this day, didn’t come from an obscure, niche offering. Monty Python was huge. They were rock stars in their own right, The Beatles of comedy as they were often labeled. Brits John Cleese, Michael Palin, Graham ...
director Gurinder Chadha’s film about a Pakistani writer inspired by Springsteen’s songs, and the Toronto Film Festival debut in September of Springsteen’s filmWestern Stars. “To look back on it all,” says Nurse, “it was like one long, busy day. I just kept going because...
The island setting of The Witness enveloped me in its striking color palette and minimalistic soundscape. Weaved into this tranquil setting however is a series of fiendish puzzles, each offering a unique challenge. These puzzles had me scrawling patterns on pieces of graph paper, reflecting the ...
God Save The Animalskeeps memory of death and darkness while ultimately offering reprieve through forgiveness, living for the moment, for others, and seeking a future that is bigger than ourselves. It sounds like faith, but that’s hard to have when death touches you so close. Truthfully, it...