In this satirical and whimsical comedy, a young cheerleader is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp when her family suspects she might be a lesbian. Through its colorful visuals and tongue-in-cheek humor, the film mocks the absurdity of efforts to "cure" homosexuality while also offering an...
Oct. 7 survivor shares her story with community On Dec. 1, community members gathered in the social hall at The J to hear from Irene Shavit, an Oct. 7 terror attack survivor from the kibbutz Kfar Aza. Read more ... Sam Kricsfeld, Editor Category: Top Stories Published: 21 November ...
Bank executive Al (Fredric March) gets into trouble for offering favorable loans to veterans. After losing both hands in the war, Homer (Harold Russell) returns to his loving fiancée, but must struggle to adjust. Released: 1946 Directed by: William Wyler Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies ...
Apichatpong Weerasethakul Indian Refugee Drama ‘The Clouds Woke No Clocks’ Boarded by German, Singapore Producers, Cast Unveiled (Exclusive) 12/19/2024 by Naman Ramachandran Variety Film + TV The best films of 2024: The ballots 12/17/2024 ...
And, with Junior Johnson on board as a technical adviser for the film, the end product is an authentically told story brought to the big screen by director Lamont Johnson. The Cannonball Run In 1981, 'The Cannonball Run' was a wildly popular movie at the box office. And why not? It...
Director Bob Clark Starring Richard Backus, John Marley, Lynn Carlin Scott’s Review #1,175 Reviewed September 3, 2021 Grade: B+ Deathdream (also known in some circles as Dead of Night) is a 1972 horror offering directed by Bob Clark and written by Alan Ormsby that plays out like a very...
Do you want to recreate the colors found in a famous film and require color matching or LUTs? Will there be visual effects in your video? Are you making a lyric video and need strong subtitle tools? Knowing the tools you require will make your hunt to find the best music video maker ...
Actress-singer Shruti Haasan who has carved a unique niche for herself by effortlessly juggling between her films and music, has given the perfec Deccan Chronicle20 Dec 2024 2:19 pm Ennore thermal station expansion required for grid stability, to meet increasing power demand: T.N. govt. ...
The North Water Ian McGuire’s The North Water, which was published in 2016, is a brilliant novel that tells the story of a group of men abroad a nineteenth-century whaling ship sets sail for the Arctic. The Irish ex-army surgeon P...
Paul Thomas Anderson, the award-winning director of the film, claims this is his favorite film of all time. Gary Oldman Gary Oldman is one of Hollywood's biggest underdogs. The actor has been a consistent 'tour de force' throughout the years when it comes to acting, but has ye...