Jenna Ortega's Wednesday is here.Wednesday is a coming-of-age comedy based on the teenage daughter of the Addams Family, with added supernaturalmysteryelements because... duh. 珍娜·奥特加饰演的《星期三》来了。《星期三》是一部成长喜剧,以亚当斯一家十几岁的女儿为原型,加入了超自然的神秘元素,...
Jenna Ortega's Wednesday is here.Wednesday is a coming-of-age comedy based on the teenage daughter of the Addams Family, with added supernatural mystery elements because... duh. 珍娜·奥特加饰演的《星期三》来了。《星期三》是一部成长喜剧,以亚当斯一家十几岁的女儿为原型,加入了超自然的神秘元...