A must read.” Kayleigh, K-Books "If you think you are ready for From Blood and Ash, think again. Jennifer L. Armentrout has woven a new fantasy universe that will leave you reeling. Filled with action, heart wrenching twists and the most delicious romance, this unputdownable novel comes...
Fantasy. Science Fiction. Everything you helped pick from the best of the best of last year! We got more nominations for books than ever. And I wish we could have included them all, but if we missed your favorite make sure you let us know in the comments so we can check it out ...
Browse through our vast selection of daily updated English-translated light novels, web novels, Korean novels, and Chinese novels. Indulge in your favorite ebooks and millions of best-selling novels, spanning various genres such as science fiction, romance, fantasy, CEO stories, and more. ...
Fantasy romance is any fantasy novel where a love story is a major plotline. With so many great books, it’s hard to know where to start! We've selected some of the best fantasy books and fantasy series for you, and we've listed some of the greatest fantasy authors of all time. It...
This is not your ordinary time travel romance. It is unusually refreshing. A prosperous architect is happily married with two daughters. Mark White has the life anyone would wish for. It is perfect. All this changes when he sets out on a fishing trip with his best friend. Their weekend tr...
Romance Story Prompts Sci-fi Story Ideas Fantasy Story Ideas Horror Story Prompts Why Creative Writing Prompts Are Helpful Below, you'll find our best creative writing prompts and plot ideas for every genre, but first, why do we use prompts? Is it just a waste of time, or can they actual...
Browse through our vast selection of daily updated English-translated light novels, web novels, Korean novels, and Chinese novels. Indulge in your favorite ebooks and millions of best-selling novels, spanning various genres such as science fiction, romance, fantasy, CEO stories, and more. ...
They made me feel more confident in myself, find the hero inside me, and maybe a hint of romance. These books made me wonder what life would be like as a demigod. I know, kind of weird, but that's just me. The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan Utterly amazing!All the characters are...
Reading die-hards will tell you there is something about fantasy books, but there is something even better about YA urban fantasy books. These books fuse fantastical contemporary worldbuilding and develop their characters with concepts in an urban setting or of the present day. They also typically...
Kamaji Studio, headed by Zuchal Rosyidin, is renowned for its enchanting illustrations, particularly in fantasy, young adult, and romance genres. Their approach prioritizes understanding the story’s vibe and audience, ensuring their artwork enhances the reader’s experience. With experience as a Fr...