while self-milling is when you throw your own cards to the graveyard. While doing it to your opponent may seem like a no brainer, it may seem counterintuitive to
Magic Mics is a weekly Magic: The Gathering podcast focusing on the community, current events, and fun topics each and every week. You can catch the show live at twitch.tv/magicmics or subscribe to us here and ensure you never miss an episode!
Magic Mics is a weekly Magic: The Gathering podcast focusing on the community, current events, and fun topics each and every week. You can catch the show live at twitch.tv/magicmics or subscribe to us here and ensure you never miss an episode!
Magic Mics is a weekly Magic: The Gathering podcast focusing on the community, current events, and fun topics each and every week. You can catch the show live at twitch.tv/magicmics or subscribe to us here and ensure you never miss an episode!