Green, MegDankwa, DavidAckermann, AlynPanko, RonLehmann, R.JJones, MarcPilla, DavidChordas, Lori
designated 2007 as theYear of Mevlana, in honor of the 800th anniversary of the birth ofMevlana Jallaluddin Rumi, the 13th century spiritual master, poet and mystic. Readings, performances, and lectures were held around the world, from California to Amsterdam. In recent times, Rumi has been ...
James Cameron Teases ‘Avatar 3’ Will Be Even Longer Than ‘The Way Of Water’ 3/8/2025 by Daren DeFrank The Wrap Justin Lin to Direct Keanu Reeves in ‘Brzrkr’ at Netflix 3/8/2025 by Umberto Gonzalez The Wrap Sony to Release Zach Cregger’s ‘Resident Evil’ in 2026 3/8/2025...
designated 2007 as theYear of Mevlana, in honor of the 800th anniversary of the birth ofMevlana Jallaluddin Rumi, the 13th century spiritual master, poet and mystic. Readings, performances, and lectures were held around the world, from California to Amsterdam. In recent times, Rumi has been ...
) and China Association for Science & Technology, more than 1,600 Chinese scholars including CAS and CAE members, chief scientists of the National Basic Research Program (dubbed 973 Program) and directors of national key labs, have voted for China's top 10 events in basic research in 2007....
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Top China Travel began the new journey to 2007 ATM which is short for Arabian Travel Market. It is the travel and tourism event unlocking business potential within the Middle East for inbound and outbound tourism professionals.
Atonement(2007) Most of Joe Wright’s Oscar winner belongs to Briony, an aspiring writer atoning for a lie she told when she was 13, but the crux of this love-and-wartime film belongs to the romance between Robby and Cecilia. He, a housekeeper’s son, she, the daughter of wealthy fa...
InfoWorld presents the 2007 trends and events you may have missed and their implications for the year ahead
We will monitor and issue monthly Chinese brand events from 2008, and issue 2008 China brand memorabilia at the end of the year. “2007中国十大品牌事件”分别是: 1、【国家品牌】首次探月工程获成功,高科技提升国家品牌形象 2、【国家品牌】夏季达沃斯成功落地中国,大连折射中国影响力 3、【企业品牌】娃...