(1990); Pesci again beat up Vincent, this time fatally. Finally, the film community began offering Vincent slightly larger roles in higher-profile films: Alan Rudolph's domestic murder thriller "Mortal Thoughts" and Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever" (both 1991) and Michael ...
He was fired from KGO in November 2008 when an engineer left his microphone open and his profane off-air comments about Joe the Plumber were broadcast live. Bouley was forced to re-invent himself, returning to stand-up comedy, writing for the HuffingtonPost and re-entering radio with a ...
Leonardo Da Vinci's living relatives found: painter, engineer, Oscar nominee - The Guardian. Leonardo da Vinci's lost masterpieces - "The Renaissance man was as much a scientist as an artist. On the 500th anniversary of his death, Cath Pound explores how Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings reveal...