Top 20 EDM Songs of April 2017 (Week of April 1)最新一期電子音樂排行榜出爐!Will Sparks、Don Diablo、KSHMR等藝人新單榜上有名!Future Bass、Deep House等風格大顯身手L悦电音的秒拍视频(使用#秒拍#录制,免流量看热门短视频!) ...
2 人观看 • 27 12月 2017 • 7年前 0 人赞过 Music Awards 17,492个粉丝 Please Like and Subscribe. Top 20 EDM Songs - Friday or Saturday - The top 20 edm songs based on sales and streaming data. (Includes electro hous...
本周电子舞曲排行榜新鲜出炉Top 20 EDM Songs of September 2017盘点本周舞曲类热门单曲!
【凤凰新歌】Billboard电音榜Top50 2022年第45期Hot Dance (EDM) Songs 151 0 05:29 App 【3哥新歌】Billboard电音榜Top50 2021年第1期Hot Dance (EDM) Songs 246 1 05:27 App 【蛇叔新歌】Billboard电音榜Top50 2021年第43期Hot Dance (EDM) Songs 120 0 05:31 App 【黑手党回归】Billboard电音...
2023年度电音推荐100首EDM Top 100 EDM songs of 2023 Hun7erZ 809 1 【MV】ISOxo 全新专辑《kidsgonemad!》官方MV全收录 Hun7erZ 579 0 Nothing But the Beat 2.0-David Guetta全专分P Hun7erZ 273 0 《阿嬷》原版 DL_Zdragon 4.8万 26 LASERBEAM (ANDEREX BOOTLEG) Hun7erZ 150 0 4K超清【...
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Indeed, of the top songs in Spotify's seemingly never-ending library, just over 50 tracks have crossed the 1 billion stream threshold. The three comma club is an elite one, and while a number of rap, rock, and EDM hits have made it in, the list skews heavily toward pop. Ed Sheeran...