原文链接:https://time.com/collection/worlds-top-edtech-companies-2024/ 编辑:赵欣、王潇 校对:刘煦 审核:张艾丽、赵欣
These are just a few examples of the many successful Edtech startups that are transforming the education industry. In 2024, we can expect to see even more Edtech innovations that will continue to revolutionize the way we learn and teach. Top 50 Edtech Companies and Startups to Watch 2024...
MONTREAL — Explorance, a leader in Feedback Analytics solutions, proudly celebrates its inclusion in TIME’s list of Top EdTech Companies of 2024, being the only organization from Quebec and one of only six from Canada to make the list. The ranking, based on financial ...
在一篇最新IBL 新闻报道中,列举了全球最具价值的EdTech 初创企业,其中来自中国的作业帮、猿辅导、VIPKID等入围,同时也有五家美国公司跻身全球十大最具价值的教育科技公司之列,另外印度的Byju's及总部位于加拿大的ApplyBoard同时上榜。“全球教育科技是一个广泛而多样的领域,不仅包括远程学习中使用的硬件和软件程序,...
Check out this list of the top Elm companies. See company benefits, info, interviews and more at Built In.
Here are some of the top Edtech companies to watch out for in 2024: Duolingo When it comes to learning a foreign language,Duolingoprovides excellent tools for teaching and creating a fun environment for users. Duolingo’s approach has unique language learning methods, usingdeep learning AI capabi...
It is our distinct honor to recognize and celebrate the achievements of The Top 100 Software Companies of 2024. 1. IFSIFS is the world’s leading provider of Industrial AI and enterprise software for hardcore businesses that make, service, and power our planet. Their technology enables ...
while securing the long-term interests of the United States. We call on the current administration and the spate of tech CEOs who have come out of the woodwork to support President Trump to deeply consider how Intel enabled today’s tech companies to thrive and do your part to help Intel ...
Top Fintech companies awarded on past and predicted growth Congratulations to the Top 500 Fintech companies in the world awarded by Growjo for 2024. In the past few years there has been a lot of growth within Fintech startups including NFT marketplaces, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, ...
2024年,Oracle Cloud为批发止业供给互联的端到端营业过程示范,从德勤的新消耗者研讨中得到洞悉,撑持时髦衣饰业疾速呼应商场变革;共时撑持当局HR仄台,如Takamol,正在Oracle Cloud上胜利布置了鉴于容器的微效劳架构,用于新的休息力战经济开辟仄台,低落了当地布置根底设备的本钱。