Optimized Leveling Routes: RestedXP provides optimized leveling routes for various expansions, including WotLK, TBC, SoM, and Era. These routes are designed to help players efficiently progress through the game and reach the maximum level in the shortest amount of time. Questing Assistance...
现在的困难模式太无脑,好一点的增加个技能,差的直接就增加HP和攻击力,狂暴系统的加入使得这个游戏变成了DPS的争夺战。 困难模式奥杜尔是巅峰,此后再无困难,有的只是所谓的英雄模式罢了。 TOP4 职业任务的消失 如果说史诗任务是对该职业最终的认证,那职业任务就是见证着该职业的成长。 某些核心技能靠职业任务来获得...
Mages are going to be great in any expansion and even while leveling in WotLK Classic, you're going to be super-efficient on your solo farming potential such as farmingWotLK gold. It may not be as powerful as Classic TBC, but it's still very strong nonetheless to level one. Mages a...
Self healing isn’t all we can do. If I’m about to take damage and I happen to have less health than I’m going to take (yes, we are smart enough to look these numbers up), every DPS hassomesortofcooldownthatwe can use to either mitigate or even eliminate that damage. I’m n...
Getting to spend two more years hobnobbing around Dalaran was a gift that I didn’t know I wanted until I got it. To this day, it remains one of the best-realizedWoWcities in terms of layout and style. Advertisement The Demon Hunter hero class ...