WoW Season of Discovery PvP Tier List (25 Level) - Best PvP Class Ranking for SoD Phase 1 WoW Season of Discovery PvE Tier List (25 Level) - Best DPS, Healer, Tank Ranking for SoD Phase 1 1 - WeakAuras (For Dungeons, Raid, PvP) WeakAuras is a popular addon for World o...
CTM之前:奎尔萨拉斯——曾经是高等精灵逐日者王朝的国土 但是,在WOW里存在着两个奎尔萨拉斯。一个是大家都知道的血精灵领土永歌森林和幽魂之地,另一个则是我所要说的这个争夺中的领土——"奎尔萨拉斯" 以前就听说WOW中真的存在一个隐藏地区"奎尔萨拉斯",但是苦于服务器关闭,一直未能真正站在奎尔萨拉斯的土地上。...
·If you love making awesome raid groups or the best m+ groups and you're having a tough time because people even though they have gear, seem to not be doing their job well. Then this addon will show you their progress in everything and with that allow you to choose the best of the...
selecting jobs that showed up most in the top 10 spots, then assigning points from 1-10 for their ranking in each category of DPS between extreme trials, savage raid content, and level 100 dungeons as of the 7.05 patch. The last 10% was calculated via research from Icy-Veins breakdown of...
The literal swiss army knife of World of Warcraft, the jack of all trades but the master of none, not necessarily, starting off with feral druid DPS having a bit of a slow start in phase 1 due to lacking specific stats and set bonuses. Afterward, they are near the top DPS due to...
Related:WoW DragonflightAberrus Race to World First live tracker Liquid really started to gain steam during the second-to-last boss of the raid. They took down the Echo of Neltharion in fewer pulls than Echo and made their way onto Sarkareth with a clear advantage in momentum. But the big...
弹 指间半载匆匆而过,“第七天堂”和“星辰”你追我赶的FD竞赛仿佛尚在眼前,而迟到的远征也终于迎来最后一道关卡——太阳井(SUNWELL),一个全新的25人RAID副本,拥有包括“基尔加丹”在内的6个各具特色的BOSS,这无疑让各宅男肾上腺激素激增,也是国内各UBER团队展现自己实力的一大契机。
Priests can heal, DPS, and tank (only in self-formed groups, though). They're able to shield anyone from damage and/or bad magic/poison (Discipline Priest), heal a tank or a whole group/half a raid group at one time (Holy Priest), or do considerable damage and heal themselves at ...
Top 25 Best WoW Addons Every Player Needs (Shadowlands) WoW Shadowlands DPS Rankings 2021 (Mythic Dungeons and Raids) [Top 10] WoW Shadowlands Best PvP Class Specs [Top 3] WoW Shadowlands Best Arena Healer [Top 10] WoW Shadowlands Best Arena Class Specs...