Kaileena-the-scryers (Kaileena) July 28, 2019, 9:31pm 1 I know we are not huge damage dealers but around what would be acceptable for a balance druid with at least an item lvl of 400. I’m going between 12000 and 14000 dps. Is that the low end or what?
When taking in all factors for consideration with the physical ranged DPS, Machinist may not be the go to anymore. However, if we’re looking purely at which of the three does the most damage overall then it’s not to be underestimated. It’s not to be forgotten that these gunslingers d...
the only organic thing. Rogue AI SHODAN wastes little time in establishing herself as your formidable opponent. Along the way you pick up elements of the backstory through audio logs and can mold yourself in any way you choose from a DPS/combat focus to a pure hacker that can infiltrate any...
As an INFJ, one of the things I like to do for fun is to study patterns in human behavior and human interests. Recently I decided it would be really interesting to see if there are any common themes that different Myers-Briggs® personalities prefer in movies. I decided to start with ...
WOW8.2大米新赛季第一周马上就结束了,根据raider.io上WOW大秘境限时各层段排名显示,在S3赛季战士坦+奶德+狂徒贼依旧是绝对的强势组合。 奶德大米第一奶的地位牢不可破,前20的队伍里只有一个队伍没有带奶德,这还有极大的可能性是因为DPS里有一个鸟德来负责战复,在术士基本进不了本,DK这个版本极度弱势的情况下,...
Get Bartender here:https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/bartender4 7.Details Details Damage Meter Setup Guide This addon as its name suggests is made for you to see your DPS all the time, but this is not why tanks are using it. The more important role of this addon is to see your...
While nowhere near perfect, Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal’s Marvel’s Avengers game was a beat-em-up game that let its players play through an exciting Avengers story that felt similar, yet different to the MCU in a way that hit for some, but not everyone. It accomplished one thing...
Moving on to PvE, Frost's death knight is going to be your primary single target damage spec while unholy is fantastic for spread cleave DPS, both are great and equally valuable in the raids due to the specialization-specific buffs they bring, but these two specs dance between being S ...
Dm383lPm32P7DDP93QqSc7tUfHuFE4Bk+nUqhLQwowSogUhiQSkWn GYoRHH0b8UY1GTB+W2T5FTS+BV/fIU1Uu32/flBUkhOQ/swhMQGdhCm8B5KCwKTQVkA8Xb7ztbFe CRbHL6simdYvitHOY35DAsGI9C2H/vO4/A7iweXCA/mB1BelEfQ0/P78/2Y3e7m4uGEkYTxZxy7k Yceb3SEarFw3HDUV1WGHTH0lLrpjPw76egyH1Ox0JyOXOIt/TQzPPIEX5pid...
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