Obstetrics and Gynecology 杂志的影响因子近年来有所起伏,处于波动上升的趋势,2016-2020年的SCI影响因子分别为5.215、4.982、4.965、5.524、7.661,明年影响因子预计将会有进一步的增长。 自引率 我们计算了下Obstetrics and Gynecology在近几年的自引率,2020年6.80%,这个比例还是比较低的。 审稿周期 我们来看几篇今...
妇产科医学SCI方向发表:top期刊!Human Reproduction Update,中文译名:《人类生殖学快讯》Human Reproduction,中文译名:《人类生殖学》Obstetrics & Gynecology,中文译名:《产科学与妇科学》Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology,中文译名:《产科学与妇科学超声》Gynecologic Oncology,中文译名:《妇科肿瘤学》
③Obstetrics & Gynecology,中文译名:《产科学与妇科学》(1953年创刊) ➢影响因子:7.2;JCR分区:Q1,中科院分区:医学2区,小类:妇产科学2区 ④Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology,中文译名:《产科学与妇科学超声》(1991年创刊) ➢影响因子:7.1;JCR分区:Q1;中科院分区:医学1区 Top,小类:声学1区 妇产科学1...
research, screening, and selection process to determine the top physicians around the country. Fellow physicians are asked to nominate colleagues who embody excellence in clinical care, interpersonal skills, listening and communication, and empathy. The company then carefully reviews ...
Gynecology and Obstetrics conferences connect experts from 50+ countries in Europe, the UK, and the USA, Asia and are scheduled on June 26-27, 2025 Amsterdam, Netherlands, Gynecology and Obstetrics 2025 will be conducted.
Professional Gynecological Services comprised of a group of physician assistants and doctors board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, providing highly comprehensive care in a safe, compassionate, and friendly environment. We welcome you to our Staten Island office for convenient and expert OBGYN care...
gynecologyHirsch indexnobelobstetricsreadership volumetop scientistsBackground: Bibliometric indices that are used to compare researchers should precisely assess theirdoi:10.1097/01.EBX.0000415474.03746.27Shahin, Ahmed Y.Hedar, AbdelrahmanSoliman, Wael
scientific publicationTo evaluate the output of scientific publications in obstetrics and gynecology journals from Mainland China and six other countries, to compare the difference of research situation between Mainland China and the developed countries in order to measure the trend of number of ...
Dr. Carrie Swartz is a Board-Certified doctor in Obstetrics and Gynecology and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Swartz grew up in Kansas and went to the University of Colorado in Boulder where she earned her degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry. She returned...
tried a lot of natural products and some helped calm it down a little but most of them didn't do anything at all. I was getting increasingly frustrated and was about to give up and go to the doctor when I found this stuff. It cleared it 我安排真正地坏湿疹发怒一年前那什么都没有似乎...