Top 17 Decks Last 6 Months Since Latest Tournament Show Results For Last 3 Months Last 6 Months Last Year All Time Between Specific Dates DeckCountAverage Price 1.Fiendsmith Most Used Cards26$438.46 2.Snake-Eye Most Used Cards18$208.75 ...
Powered byYugioh Prices DateTournamentDeckDuelistPlacedArchetypeDeck Price November 2024Regional - Houston TexasVoiceless VoiceBlake Taylor2nd PlaceVoiceless Voice$351.92 October 2024Regional - Blackburn EnglandRitual BeastsJake FallonTop 8Ritual$167.58
Top 16 decklists for all Yugioh tournaments. See the top decks and measure the meta.
When Yugioh wasreleased nearly 20 years ago, decks were based off either a type or attribute. Sets of cards that only worked with eachother didn’t exist, players had to devise their own strategies, usually in the form of beat-down. As years went by, Konami started to release pre-made ...
Currently one of the top ranked decks in Yugioh, Drytrons hit the competitive scene hard. Each Drytron monster has a ton of powerful effects, either to special summon cards or recycle/search the cards you need. Such consistency is invaluable in the competitive scene and the crazy thing is, ...
so there is a concern here for those who may have selected the wrong archetypes and now feel they're stuck with their choice. Fortunately - and perhaps unfortunately at the same time - those without access to the best of the best in current metagame decks aren't missing much.Yu-Gi-Oh!
in the tournament. Now, he’s facing off against World Championship Competitor and YCS Champion Dakota Angeloff from Tuscaloosa, Alabama who’s using a Tearlaments Deck. Tamez’s Deck is teched out for him to go second and have the advantage against Tearlaments Decks, but will it be ...
Dakota Angeloff and Mike Zimmitti are both playing Sky Striker Trickstar Decks today. The strategy has been a breakout success this weekend, with most of the Top 32 using it. Only one of these Duelists can move on, however. It’s time to Duel!
Yugioh Alternatives ↬ #12 Culdcept SAGA Free 0 Culdcept SAGA is a Single and Multiplayer Collectible Card video game published by Namco Bandai Games. It is a fantastic card game in which the player can move around the game board, attempting to claim the blank spaces and assess fees agains...
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