那究竟美国的那些寄宿院校是翘楚呢?《商业内幕》Business Insider罗列出来50所最好的美国寄宿高中!着这一份排名的评定参考许多的维度:学生本科申请的SAT分数、院校所在地的竞争优势、院校的教育基金以及学校的录取率等等方面!接着就和小站君一起来看看吧! 【关注老查微信公众号(laocha100),回复以下关键词,即获得你想...
Private School Washington, DC 4-12 10、The Bishop's School Private School La Jolla, CA 6-12 以上排名信息来自Nichle,更多基督教高中排名: https://www.niche.com/k12/search/best-christian-high-schools/ 2018年美国基督教高中TOP10(TBS) 这个版本的排名基于混合制走读学校,不包括寄宿。 排名依据: Coedu...
美国宾州顶尖私立高中排名TOP50! 宾夕法尼亚州(Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)是美国东北部的一州,为立国13州之一。宾夕法尼亚州西北临伊利湖,北和东北接纽约州,东接新泽西州,东南临特拉华州,南连马里兰州,西南为西弗吉尼亚州,西与俄亥俄州接壤。1787年12月12日,联邦...
WLSA上海学校 WLSA上海学校 (WLSA Shanghai Academy) 是世界名中学联盟 (World Leading Schools Association, WLSA) 于2012年9月在上海开设的国际高中课程项目,使命是培养具有全球意识的领导者,他们将帮助改变世界变得更美好。 上海协和国...
19——Cranbrook Schools——Bloomfield Hills, MI (密歇根州,布隆菲尔德山) 20——St. John's School——Houston, TX (德克萨斯州,休斯敦市) 21——National Cathedral School——Washington, DC (华盛顿哥伦比亚特区) 22——Deerfield Academy——Deerfield, MA (马萨诸塞州,迪尔菲尔德) ...
schools in the city and one of the few Secondary only schools. It is also one of a limited number of not for profit schools - although this does not mean that the fees are lower than the for-profit schools. DC's reputation is built on its renown as the most academic of schools. ...
韦伯中学The Webb Schools CA-加利福尼亚州 #16A+ 圣安德鲁学校(特拉华州) St. Andrew's School, DE DE-特拉华州 #17A+ 主教高中 Episcopal High School VA-弗吉尼亚州 #18A+ 苏菲尔德学院 Suffield Academy CT-康涅狄格州 #19A+ 撒切尔学校The Thacher School ...
New Jersey was amazing, with 37 schools acknowledged for being above average. Get our free mobile app This was quite the data crunch. U.S. News and World Report included 25,000 rankings, including data on nearly 25,000 public high schools in 50 states and DC. ...
19Cranbrook Schools Bloomfield Hills, MI (密歇根州,布隆菲尔德山) 20St. John's School Houston, TX (德克萨斯州,休斯敦市) 21National Cathedral School Washington, DC (华盛顿哥伦比亚特区) 22Deerfield Academy Deerfield, MA (马萨诸塞州,迪尔菲尔德) ...
These metro areas, scattered throughout the U.S., boast the best public high schools in the nation.