根据教育网站educations.com发布了2023最佳留学国家Top10,今年英国支棱起来,排名直接跃升五位,成为c位!英国拥有世界上最古老和最负盛名的大学体系之一,牛津大学和剑桥大学,吸引着全球各地的留学生! 好口碑|长春英国留学申请服务机构Top10排名 慧凯国际教育是一家提供高质量的海外留学申请,出国考试辅导及职业规划咨询服务,...
Explore the top 100 universities for climate action, based on data collected as part of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
Business education Events/ festivals Certifications Counsellor resources The institution has been affiliated with 161 Nobel laureates, 32 heads of state, 50 Pulitzer prizewinners and many other academic accolades and prizes. The central library is one of the largest academic libraries in the world, wit...
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University was established in 1860 and was the first Romanian university to implement the Bologna Process which ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications within European countries. The university prides itself on offering customizable education, ...
There’s probably a good reason (or, rather, a lot of ‘em) that most of the world is interested in spending theirstudy abroadtime in one of the following ten countries. Whether it's a superb price:service ratio, the personality of the locals, world-renowned education standards, or a ...
The highest score is achieved for international students' ratio, with over 30 percent of students being international, and the university having active partnerships in more than 65 countries. The university actively supports sustainability through initiatives like the 'Forth Valley for Net Zero' campaign...
guidebook, digital edition reading list newsletters & alerts sign in to my account top performers on social mobility colleges education home top performers on social mobility top performers on social mobility economically disadvantaged students are less likely than others to finish college, even when ...
Distribution of online education projects in Russia 2020, by number of products Willingness to participate in the cashback program for trips in Russia 2020 Turnover of Fiskars 2013-2023 TopicsOnline education in PolandRemote work in PolandInternet usage in PolandChildren's internet usage in PolandEdu...
Explore our Best Global Universities rankings for more information on the top institutions in the world. Follow U.S. News Education on Facebook and X, formally known as Twitter, for more higher education news. Next:Top countries where U.S. students study abroad 18/20 Credit T...
(28 March 2024, Shanghai) Hurun Education, the education platform of Hurun Inc., today released the Hurun Education Top International Schools in China 2023, a ranking of the best-regarded international schools in China. The ranking included the Hurun Education International Schools in China Top 10...