🔖学校counselor开一封school report ✅如果是就读国内普通高中 🔖文理授课老师各开一封 🔖一般没有counselor则找班主任/年级主任/校长开一封 ⚠️需要注意的是,很多公立学校如加州大学(UC)和加州州立大学(CSU)是不需要推荐信的。对于只想申请UC或CSU的同学而言,就不用准备推荐信。
Top college counselor Pam Ohriner provides expert college admissions counseling for freshmen, transfers, and international students. Apply to your dream school now!
立思辰留学打造 美国教育质量一直处于世界最前沿,中国学生申请人数每年都在攀升,顶尖大学的录取率逐年降低。 剑指美国名门学府的中国学生正在面临前所未有的巨大挑战! 回顾以往,在传统的申请过程中,学生一味去追求高分却忽略自身素质的提升。 而申请顶尖名校,却往往更重视学生的自身素养。 最全面...
This module is designed to introduce professional school counselors, educational leaders, and counselor educators to current research in service-learning and its potential impact on school counseling programs and student achievement. Examples of how school counselors are using service-learning in their comp...
My husband and I started grad school in the US. For undergraduate study, we knew grades are not the only important thing to colleges, but the college admissions process was daunting: how to build a holistic profile to make our daughter stand out from the crowd, and how to find the hook...
School Counselor Named One of Top 16 in United StatesFor 21 years, Colleen Tortorella has been supporting students atGateway High School in her role...Carpenter, Deana
Find answers to all your college admission questions right here on CollegeXpress with the advice in our Ask the Experts section. About Jennifer Severini-Kresock After 20+ years as a high school guidance director/counselor in the public school system, Jennifer Severini-Kresock recognized the growin...
威廉姆斯的就业中心相比其他院校要更细致一些:例如按照行业分为六个职业社区,每个社区设置不同的职业探索/培养体系,除此之外每个职业社区还设有专门的counselor,学生可以提早1周预约,通过面对面交流1小时来解惑和提供帮助。 而在职业技能培训之后,学校也会邀请众多的企业来校提供实习、全职工作机会。合作公司不乏Amazon,ES...