华南理工大学MBA自2011年起开设企业咨询诊断课程,精选及组织优秀学员团队,由校内外资深名师带队,深入企业进行现场调研考察,以MBA先进管理经验为基础,为企业进行定性和定量的诊断,根据企业需求,为企业解决经营难题。 近年来,该课程为众多优秀MBA学员所青睐,并受到越来越多企业的欢迎,成为华南实业界与高校对话的风向标,被誉...
如果选择去美国就读,中国post-MBA工作就只有几个比较具有规模的LDP programs或是consulting firms会固定去美国S16的programs招聘,其他的就得走off campus的途径,毕竟美国学校的校友大部分还是以在美国本土为主,对于中国工作机会的帮忙相对来说就...
These MBA programs teach students how to make sense of business data and create mathematical models.
华工MBA TOP Consulting课程,通过组织学员团队,由资深教授及咨询顾问带队深入企业进行现场调研考察,为企业进行定性和定量的诊断,让学员在实践中运用所学知识,模拟管理咨询的全过程,使诊断报告更为客观、科学、有效。几年来,该课程一直为MBA学员所青睐,并受到越来越多企业的欢迎,被誉为华南理工大学MBA的顶尖课程。 课程...
MBA programs tend to feature consulting classes both in the core curriculum and through electives, which will help you fine-tune your unique strengths and business acumen. Generally, consulting MBA students will take some or all of the following courses: ...
The top consulting companies 2024 include brands like Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, EY, Accenture, IBM, BCG, Booz Allen etc. Here is the list of the top 10 consulting firms in the world 2024.
Sam Weeks Consulting provides admission consultancy services, helping determined applicants get admitted to MBA, EMBA and MiM programs at top business schools.
MBA Essays: Tips for UC Berkeley Haas 10. UVA Darden UVA Darden, sometimes known affectionately as “the bootcamp,” puts students through a highly rigorous case method program (which makes the students very appealing to employers with a similar style, including banks and consulting firms). Locat...
Stanford MBA Admissions EventsMBA APPLICANT NEWS MBA Admissions Consulting ADMISSIONS: More than 90% of all students we've worked with over the years have been admitted to top schools. See how we do it. [MORE >] MBA Admissions Consulting MBA...