2. Computer Science—Ph.D. 该项目分为两类,一类是the Ph.D. in Computer Science,在匹兹堡校区开设,在该博士项目的开始,学生将进行一场激烈的两周计划,学习基础入门知识,了解该项目的研究方向,熟悉卡内基梅隆大学的资源。接下来,通过课程作业和原创研究,学生将对计算机科学主要领域的基础研究问题有一个广泛的了解。
Interdisciplinary programs in the Neural Basis of Cognition:在通过普通的网上申请系统后,还要申请CNBC Graduate Training Program,网址链接如下: https://www.mdphd.pitt.edu MSIT in Privacy Engineering :申请系统网址链接如下: https://privacy.cs.cmu.edu Master of Information Technology Strategy (MITS) :申请...
Computer Science,简称CS,是研究信息过程、用以表达此过程的信息结构和规则及其在信息处理系统中实现的学科。CS专业几乎在全美国各个所有院校中都有开设,它包含了很多分支领域和学科,但大目标都可以涵盖为总体来说都是使用编程语言来解决计算机问题,使得人机交换更加友好。在众多专业分支中,同学们一定要首先确定自己未...
Computer Science专业几乎在全美各个院校都有开设,它包含了很多分支领域和学科,但总体来说都是用编程语言来解决计算机问题使人机交换更加友好。以CS研究生项目为例,根据就业导向不同可以分为两个分支,MS学位和ME学位。MS全称“Master of Science ”一般情况下是偏向研究导向的学位,学生有更多的自主选择课题的权力。ME...
开设项目:Ph.D.,M.S., M.S. in Bioinformatics,Professional MCS,MCS Data Science Track, Fifth Year Master's Programs TOP 6 康奈尔大学 专业名称:Computer Science 课程链接:http://www.cs.cornell.edu/ 专业分支:Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Biology, Database Systems, Graphics, Hu...
Ms in Computer Science & Engineering 计算机科学与工程硕士 华盛顿大学人工智能小组主要研究智能行为基础的计算机机制,他们活跃于广泛的研究领域,包括机器学习、自然语言处理、概率推理、自动化计划、机器阅读和智能用户界面。 该项目分为8个不同的研究领域: 自动化计划与控制 脑机接口与计算神经科学 计算生物学 智能互...
9. University of Colorado, Boulder - Master of Science in Computer Science 链接:https://www.colorado.edu/cs/academics/graduate-programs/master-science-computer-science UC Boulder的计算机科学硕士分为thesis和non-thesis。两种学位的学分要求都是30,包括24学分的课程,和6学分的科研项目(前者要求论文和oral ...
Oxford University offers undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs in computer science research, and is still one of the top rated best computer science universities in Europe. The Oxford computer science program includes a variety of learning environments, including small lecture classes, one- ...
Read on to learn more about the top ten universities to studycomputer sciencein the UK in 2020… Top Computer Science Schools in the UK Based on the QS University Rankings by Subject 2020 =10. University of Bristol The University of Bristol takes joint 10thplace in the UK this yea...
Most institutions require a strong background in mathematics and science for their bachelor of computer science programmes. Prospective students are generally expected to have completed high school courses in calculus, algebra, and sometimes physics or computer science. In the US, a competitive GPA, ...