Worldtheory,computerscience,topacademicjournal,Theoretical,Computer,Science WorldConferenceoncomputingcomplexity,topconferenceCCC---,fullnameIEEE,Conference,on,Computational,Complexity Worldcomputervisionandpatternrecognitionfieldtopjournals,IEEE,PAMI---,IEEE,Transactions,on,Pattern,Analysis,and,Machine,Intelligence Wor...
Tsai CF (2014) Citation impact analysis of top ranked computer science jour- nals and their rankings. Journal of Informetrics 8(2):318 - 328Tsai, C.F. (2014). Citation impact analysis of top ranked computer science journals and their rankings. Journal of Informetrics, 8(2), 318-328. ...
//这三个会议并称为数据库方向的三大顶级会议 图像与视觉 (Graphic & Computer Vision) [会议] ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision CVPR: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 还有ECCV, ICIP, ICPR [期刊] IJCV: International Journal on Computer Vision TIP: IEEE ...
学科: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,JCR分区Q1区,SCIE检索; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC,JCR分区Q1区,SCIE检索; 大类学科:计算机科学为一区; 小类学科:计算机:人工智能为一区;工程:电子与电气为一区。 05 自引率 这本期刊的自引率: 2021-2022年度为20.1%,2022-2023年度为16.2%,2023-202...
The highest impact factor top 100 journals in the world impact factor 2025 and publishers namely Science Magazine, Nature
期刊名称:Computer Science Review 期刊简介: 所有文章都面向普通计算机科学读者,他们寻求对计算机科学研究最新发展的全面和专业概述。 中科院一区TOP/JCR一区 出版商:Elsevier ISSN:1574-0137 影响因子:13.3 自引率:1.5% 年文章数 :48篇 非OA开放 官方网站: 期刊投稿网址: editorialmanag...
期刊简介:Proceedings of the IEEE is the leading journal to provide in-depth review, survey, and tutorial coverage of the technical developments in electronics, electrical and computer engineering, and computer science. Consistently ranked as one of the top journals by Impact Factor, Article Influence...
This study aimed to identify and analyze the characteristics of the top-cited articles published in the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1991 to 2010. Articles that have been cited more than 1,000 times since publication to 2010 were assessed regarding their distribution in indexed journals and...
SCIENCE CITATION INDEX - JOURNAL LIST :科学引文索引期刊列表 热度: 园林景观设计期刊 Journal of Landscape Architecture Spring 2010 热度: 顶尖期刊(topjournal) Articletitle:topinternationalengineeringgeologyand geotechnicalengineeringjournals 1."EngineeringGeology"-AnInternationalJournalElsevier, ...
I do not own an attaché case, and therefore cannot carry it home at night, full of journals and papers to read. I like long vacations, and a catalogue of my activities in general would be a scandal in the ears of the apostles of cost-effectiveness. I do not play the recorder, nor...