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不过在创新药领域,中国国内政策支持加上企业自身的努力,已经把印度甩开一大截,但是在仿制药和原料药方面还要小心印度人。 参考资料: 各公司公告 /articles/how-indian-pharmaceutical-industry-gearing-2022-2023 /pharmaceutical-companies-in-india/©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文...
This report lists the top India Fintech companies based on the 2023 & 2024 market share reports. Mordor Intelligence expert advisors conducted extensive research and identified these brands to be the leaders in the India Fintech industry.
Check out everything about theIT companies in India. The growth of the IT sector is what makes jobs in this sector one of the highest-paying jobs in India. The question remains then, What is the reason behind its growth? Some of the key reasons for the growth of the IT sector are –...
The government’s annual spending on healthcare has skyrocketed since the implementation of the universal healthcare program (BPJS) in 2014, which has now grown to be the world’s largest, covering some 240 million people. Every citizen and expatriate are mandated to join, and companies must re...
World Top 1,000 Companies as of Jan-05-2024, World Largest Companies, World Biggest and Top 1,000 Companies by Market Cap as of Jan-05-2024.
Big tech companies and exciting new startups work side-by-side, creating a space where innovation thrives and dreams become reality. 78% of people said so! Why? Because it’s known as the best city for IT business in India. What that means is that this city has the skills, resources,...
10+ Best Mobile App Development Companies In India 2024 Hire top mobile app developers! In recent times, India has become a focal point for mobile app development. As Smartphone usage has increased tremendously, businesses are investing in mobile app development to enhance their customer experiences...
1. State Bank of India State Bank of India (SBI) is among the Fortune 500 companies. It is an Indian multinational and Public Sector Banking and Financial services firm. The company has its headquarters in Mumbai, India. SBI has over 200 years of rich heritage and legacy and is the most...