Take a look at any of them andstart improving your English! What Do Confusing Words Mean In English? The English language is full ofconfusing wordsthat share asimilar spelling, meaning, or pronunciation,but they carry a completely different meaning and usage. So, when speaking or writing Englis...
Most Common Nouns in English home▸sitemap▸useful lists ▸top 50 nouns The most common nouns in English (listed in order of their frequency of use) are as follows: water, food, mother, father, house, car, dog, cat, money, morning, night, afternoon, brother, sister, bed, kitchen...
The use of words ending in “-less” is pervasive in the English language, and they cover a wide spectrum of meanings and applications. Some of the most common words ending in “-less” include “careless,”“fearless,”“endless,”“limitless,”“senseless,”“flawless,”“priceless,”“pee...
I realized that we had quantified almost every aspect of our life in pursuit of optimal value and utility. When I tried to reconnect with my mom on the unquantifiable aspects of our lives, my mouth went dry, unable...
【034】learn the top 10 things to do in the summer in the us 06:25 【035】want to save the planet_ earth day in english 06:47 【036】learn the top 10 most common tourist vocabulary in american english 04:43 【037】learn the top 20 english words you'll need for the beach in amer...
P102102. Learn Korean with Video - Common Animals 02:23 P103103. Korean Tutorial Video 1 Getting Started 02:57 P104104. Korean Tutorial Video 2 Lesson Navigation 03:20 P105105. Korean Tutorial Video 3 Sign In, My Account 02:58 P106106. Korean Tutorial Video 4 Search 02:11 P107107. Kor...
The most common adjectives in spoken English are good, big, small, bad, hot, cold, happy, beautiful, open, closed, new, old, clean, strong, and young. This lesson provides learning games and examples sentences for the top 50 adjectives in English.
For international students, English can be tricky, especially American slang. College students have slang words for almost everything. Here are some common college slang terms you may hear on campus.
English is the common language at both official workplaces such as schools, big companies, and training centers, as well as informally at places like coffee shops that feature English teachers. For immigration needs, a bachelor’s degree in any field, and a teaching certification (such as a ...
Common IELTS speaking advice is "develop your ideas", "give longer answers," and so on. 常见的雅思口语建议是“扩充你的想法”、“给出更长的答案”等等。 That's not wrong, but it's not the full picture, either. 这并没有错,但也不是全貌。 You don't have time to make a very long an...