Below are the most commontopcommand use cases. The options are case-sensitive, which means that pressingNandninvokes a different action. Note:Use thetopcommand options by pressing the corresponding key whiletopis running, or enter the option flag directly in thetopcommand syntax and run it from ...
linux 中top命令显示完整的command 命令比较长时,显示不全(全称,全名),可以用 top -c
The top command in Linux lets you monitor running processes and the system resources they use. As a system administrator, it can be the most useful tool in your toolbox, especially if you know how to use it. The top utility is pre-installed on all Linux distributions. With this interactiv...
How Does the Top Command Work in Linux? The “top” command is used to show the processes and their details. It shows the summary of information on all the running processes in the system. This interface of the top command is divided into two parts. The higher one shows the stats value...
Themancommand in Linux is used to display the manual page for a specific command. It provides detailed information about the command, including its syntax, options, and examples. Here’s an example of how to use themancommand: Open a terminal and typeman lsto display the manual page for th...
Now that we have gone over all the data displayed by the top command on Linux, let us touch on how you can use the command itself. In the following sections, you will learn the various ways that you can control thetopcommand using both key binds and options. ...
命令行选项(COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS) -C --no-color 使用一个单色的配色方案 -d --delay=DELAY 设置延迟更新时间,单位秒 -h --help 显示htop 命令帮助信息 -u --user=USERNAME 只显示一个给定的用户的过程 -p --pid=PID,PID… 只显示给定的PIDs ...
The top command allows users to monitor processes and system resource usage on Linux. It is one of the most useful tools in a sysadmin’s toolbox, and it comes pre-installed on every distribution. Unlike other commands such asps, it is interactive, and you can browse through the list of...
在默认情况下,仅显示比较重要的 PIO、USERPR、NI、VIRT、RES、SHR、S、%CPU、%MEMTIME+、COMMAND列。 要想展示隐藏项,按 f 键进入选择界面,左侧有 * 号的表示该项是展示状态,通过方向键上下移动到某项,按 d 键可以改变该项的展示状态,然后按【ESC】或【q】键退出返回top界面。 代码语言:javascript 复制 ...
10. Kill a Linux Process by PID The top command in Linux allows us tokill a running processdirectly from the interface. To kill a process, typekfollowed by the PID of that process. It will be useful whendealing with zombie processes. Own System Processes with the top Command The top com...