#1 Top Public Universities in Indiana. 4 Year, WEST LAFAYETTE, IN. 5227 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars. Featured Review: Freshman says I love that Prudue is welcoming to everyone. They have a welcome week called Boiler Gold Rush. This event welcomes all freshman to th...
第8位:康奈尔大学Cornell University 第8位:印第安纳大学伯明顿分校Indiana University-Bloomington 第8位:北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 第8位:南加州大学University of Southern California 第12位:弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia-Main Campus 第13位:埃默里大学Emory University...
Safeatlast完整排名: https://safeatlast.co/state-security/safest-colleges-in-america/ 近年来,留学生受到侵害的安全案例时有发生。枪击案,恐怖袭击案,自然灾害等造成的影响备受社会的关注。出国留学前,建议同学们对当地的法律制度,文化背景和风土人情有一个基本的了解,出行时注意时刻留意自己所处的地理位置,注意...
The article provides information on the top 10 conservative colleges in the U.S. as of May 2006 ranked by Young America's Foundation. The colleges include Hillsdale College in Hillsdae, Michigan, Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio, an...
索诺马州立大学的成就斐然,目前正代表加州政府成为全国性Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges的成员之一, 这是一个负责提升公立大学教育的全国性会议。索诺马州立大学的设施亦非常完备:在215000平方公尺的图书馆内, 包括许多无线上网的设备与视讯会议, 24小时开放的计算机中心;艺术美术馆中心, 开放明亮的中庭更附设...
was also the no. 1 charter school, followed by signature school in indiana. see: high school graduation rates by state. school districts with the highest number of schools in the top 100 include basis charter schools inc., a network of charters in arizona, with 10, followed by new york ...
除了这个国家级大学排名外,《美国新闻与世界报道》编排的美国本科学校排名还包括其他数个类项,即:国家级自由文理学院(National Liberal Arts Colleges)、最佳公立大学(Top Public Schools)、最佳本科教学学校(Best Undergraduate Teaching)、区域性大学(Regional Universities)、区域性学院(Regional Colleges)、性价比最高学校...
Indiana’s reliance on low-wage manufacturing jobs may limit residents’ career growth, but growing companies and new industries offer more opportunities with higher earning potential.CompanyLocationMain IndustryNumber of Employees Purdue University West Lafayette West Lafayette Colleges and Universities 15,...
第34位:Indiana University--Bloomington 第36位:Colorado School of Mines 第36位:University at Buffalo--SUNY 第36位:University of California, Riverside 第36位:University of Delaware 第40位:Rutgers University--Newark 第40位:University of California, Santa Cruz ...
Great Value Colleges根据美国各大学国际生比例、奖学金额度及学费高低评选出了对留学生最友好最大方的学校Top50,一起来看看~ 美国东北部: 1. 纽约州立大学布法罗分校 University at Buffalo – SUNY 学费: $22,290 奖学金平均额度: $7,673 国际生比例:16% ...