We've ranked the 30 Best College Majors for the Future for 2025. Explore the best future majors, top salaries, and the best majors for future job market.
Top 10 College Majors Collegeoffers you many academic freedoms. You can cultivate existing passions and explore new interests—andfind a majorthat will put you on the career path you want. Whatever collegemajoryou choose, don't pick based on the courses that come easiest to you, or what ...
10 Easiest College Majors by GPAArt 3.77 English 3.68 History 3.67 Computer Science 3.64 Geography 3.64 Political Science 3.58 Psychology 3.57 Philosophy 3.57 Math 3.54 Foreign Languages 3.441. Art - 3.77 GPAWith a GPA of a quarter of a point shy of 4.0, art ranks as the easiest major for ...
The co-op program, which is more than 100 years old, is also open to some other majors. Students unable to find an industry co-op may instead participate in alternative options, such as a research co-op or study abroad. Next:3 (tie). Berea College (KY)...
The co-op program, which is more than 100 years old, is also open to some other majors. Students unable to find an industry co-op may instead participate in alternative options, such as a research co-op or study abroad. Next:3 (tie). Berea College (KY)...
Click here for available majors St. Mary’s College of Maryland St. Mary’s City, MD ‧ Public ‧ 4-year As the National Public Honors College, St. Mary’s College of Maryland offers the kind of undergraduate, liberal arts and sciences education and small-college experience found at exc...
https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/campuses-majors/santa-barbara/freshman-admit-data.html https://registrar.sa.ucsb.edu/calendars/calendars-deadlines/academic-calendars/academic-calendar-for-2022 https://www.police.ucsb.edu/campus-security-au...
The academic discipline of Engineering is one of the majors that is becoming increasingly popular in India. The dream of almost every science student is to graduate from one of India's top engineering institutes and become a successful engineer. The battle for a student, though, begi...
克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院(Claremont Mckenna College,简称CMC)成立于1946年,位于美国加利福利亚州克莱蒙特的私立文理学院,是克莱蒙特学院联盟(Claremont Colleges)成员之一。 CMC是美国最难录取的文理学院之一,其录取率最近五年一直维持在10%左右。 二.学校官网 https://www....
-Majors:Animal Sciences动物学; Plant Sciences植物学; Agricultural Economics农业经济学 Atmospheric and Climate Science 大气和气候科学硕士 Earth Sciences地球科学硕士 2年,包括以下方向: -Geology地质学 -Mineralogy and Geochemistry矿物学与地质化学 -Engineering Geology工程地质学 ...