最受欢迎的科系:经济学(Economics)计算机科学(Computer Science)政府与政治学(Political Science and Government)哈佛大学(Harvard University)是位于麻州波士顿剑桥市的精英私立大学。属于中型学校,每年招收7,483名本科生,这所学校的毕业率为97%,毕业后的基本起薪为70,300美元。斯坦福大学 (Stanford University...
该校心理学专业备受追捧,所拥有的心理学专业的研究室就多达21个。 9、Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院 作为世界顶尖学府,达特茅斯学院拥有独特的学术体制。该校心理学最受欢迎的包括临床心理学,教育心理学,社会心理学和认知心理学等领域。 10、University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 密歇根大学心理学...
3. John Jay College of Criminal Justice The John Jay College of Criminal Justice is a public, criminal justice-focused college in New York City. It's part of the City University of New York system. It offers a Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology that provides a strong forensic psycholo...
对于中国学生来说,UIUC可以算是一所申请大热门学校了,甚至许多同学拿UIUC作为“保底校”。UIUC的学术氛围也很浓郁,其工科和CS非常亮眼,均在全美排名第5;此外,它的Accounting专业位列全美第2,Psychology 专业位列全美第7。提到UIUC,许多人的第一印象便是“玉米地大学”。但是,虽然地处“村里”,但UIUC的生...
Read More:Everything You Need to Know About Applying to College 7. Psychology If you find yourself delving into why certain people react to certain aspects of their environments in a certain way, then studying psychology will help you learn about the biology of our brains.Psychology majorsfocus...
UCL优势专业(部分):Education and Training(教育培训);Architecture(建筑学);Anthropology(人类学);Archaeology(考古学);Psychology(心理学);Medicine(医学);No.5 爱丁堡大学(Edinburgh)爱丁堡大学位于英国苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,成立于1583年,是英语圈国家中第六古老的综合研究型大学。爱丁堡大学虽然不是...
At the graduate level, this private college also offers one online program leading to a non-traditional degree: the Master of Science in Positive Psychology. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has regionally accredited Life University to confer both on campus and online degrees and cre...
The United States continues to be the best place in the world to study psychology, with 12 of the 15 top universities for the subject based there. Harvard University and Stanford University remain the top two in the world, the former achieving a perfect score of 100 in three of the four ...
Find out which universities are the best in the world for Psychology. in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022.
Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences 哲学、心理学和语言科学学院已开放申请,截止日期暂未公布 Divinity 神学院已开放申请,2025年8月31日截止申请 06 曼彻斯特大学 2025QS世界大学排名:34 曼彻斯特大学已于2024年10月10日开启了2025年秋季研究生的申请通道:商学院、社科学院与艺术学院专业分四轮申请,截止时间...