10)The Plough Department of Song Dynasty Title: 大宋北斗司 / Da Song Bei Dou Si Episodes: 36 Broadcast network: Tencent, iQiyi Cast : Xu Ke as Tai Sui Dai Lu Wa as Wu Yaoguang Zhang Yu Jian as Liu Suifeng Huang Can Can as Kai Yang Synopsis: Four young heroes who possess superpower...
Kingdom has a staggering roster of characters, most of whom are actual historical figures who played important roles in China’s warring states period. The epic human drama unfolds over each action-packed page, with enough twists to surprise even the most devoted Chinese historian. As of writing...
The large-scale and well-produced Chinese historical TV dramas are always welcomed by audiences in many Southeast Asian countries, including "Kangxi Dynasty," "Water Margin" and "Yongzheng Dynasty." "Kangxi Dynasty" is a Chinese television series based on the novel "Kangxi Da Di (The Great Kan...
Also ranks #16 onThe Best LGBTQ+ Drama Films Also ranks #58 onThe 75+ Best Immigrant Movies 6 Love, Simon Nick Robinson, Josh Duhamel, Jennifer Garner 1,145 votes This captivating teen drama tackles the challenges faced by a closeted gay high school student during his journey towards self-...
Also ranks #3 on What Happened After These 13 Historical Movies Ended? Also ranks #7 on The Best Movies About Queens 99 Bros Billy Eichner, Luke Macfarlane, Guy Branum 19 votes Bobby is a neurotic podcast host who's happy to go on Tinder dates and content not to have a serious relation...
China’s colleges and universities were shut down by WeChat without warning, leaving students feeling bewildered and betrayed. We explored the students’ reactions to these event, as well as the uneasy relationship that has persisted between Chinese universities and gender minorities over the decades....
A real classic in the Chinese animation industry,The Legend of Qinhad been a great influence on many new Chinese anime shows especially those in the historical-action genres. The Legend of Qin has a total of 5 seasons and the journey of following it had been a great one. The fight scenes...
THE BEST OF THE WORLD OF CHINESE TO YOUR INBOX We'll keep you updated with the latest and best content about Chinese society, culture and travel. PREVIEW
the story of Hae Soo, a modern-day woman who travels back in time to the Goryeo Dynasty. As she becomes entangled in the politics and romance of the royal court, the drama weaves a tale of love, loyalty, and heartache, making it an emotionally gripping and unforgettable historical journey...
KAvenyou’s Chinese drama binge-watch list for 2018 1. Legend of Fuyao (扶摇) Legend of Fuyao is a highly anticipated historical-romancechinesedrama series by Yang Mi (杨幂) and Ethan Ruan (阮经天). The 65-episode series brings you through the stories of the 5 kingdoms and endless dangers...