Coordinator, Junior Systems Analyst, Trades Instructor, Junior Accounting Clerk, Electrician, Registered Nurse, Carpenter, Pipe Fitter/Gas Fitter, Engineering Technologist, Civil Engineer, Software Developer, Marketing and Communications Assistant, Automotive Technician, Occupational Safety Specialist, Machinist,...
43. Matt Carpenter, IF, Age 37 Contract Estimate TypeYearsAAVTotal Ben Clemens 1 $9.0 M $9.0 M Median Crowdsource 1 $6.0 M $6.0 M Avg Crowdsource 1.18 $6.6 M $7.7 M 2023 Steamer Projections PABB%K%AVGOBPSLGwOBAwRC+OffDefWAR 469 11.4% 26.7% .221 .322 .406 .321 108 2.6 -9.6 ...
Offering the ability to extend a stay, rebook a future vacation, or offer incentives to good repeat guests can all be done via OCAP and displayed on a TV or forwarded as an audio message to the rental property phone.The use of business information and business preferences contained in a ...
18 - Internet Connection Provider Services.With more services becoming available, you can act as a broker, help people get exemplary service for their needs, and collect a monthly fee. 19 - Furniture Business.People are looking for quality furniture. If you are a top carpenter or can find on...