y not work for another who has the very same condition. You, as a health care consumer (especially if you have a preexisting medical condition), should discuss acupuncture with your doctor. Do not rely on a diagnosis of disease by an acupuncturist...
Some medications -- like sleeping pills or some pain medications -- are typically only used short-term.How about allergy medications that may only needed in the spring or fall? Did you lose those few extra pounds? If so, maybe your blood pressure has dropped back into the normal range and...
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a tramadol allergy. taken a medicine used for depression, called a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) within the last 14 days.Before taking tramadol, tell your healthcare provider if you have a history of:head injury, seizures trouble urinating liver, kidney, or thyroid problems pancreas or gall...
Use mosquito coils or mosquito repellents while sleeping. If you have any allergy to them, you could make use of mosquito nets for avoiding mosquito bites. Keep the surrounding areas Keep your home hygienic, dry, and clean with the windows open. This would help a lot in preventing the entr...
TOP 10 HEALTH FRAUDSA disturbing number of Americans seem to be entrusting their health care to unqualified individuals and buying unproven--and sometimes dangerous--remedies from them. They have entered--at their own risk--the world of health quackery. Difficult to curtail, health frauds, like ...
Even cross medication interference and allergy checking services are believed a courtesy from the medical industry as no pharmacy claims to be a complete expert on your own medical conditions. Limited awareness and deficiency of oversight among doctors, pharmacists along with the patients could also ...
Allergy pills like Benadryl Pain relievers Motion sickness tablets Chewable Pepto Bismol Imodium Rehydration salts Tweezers Nail clippers/file I also sometimes might add things to my kit depending on where I'm going (like maybe some probiotics, some aloe for sunburn relief, eye drops for my dry ...
Most people are unaware of the fact that allergies can reduce airflow through your nose, forcing you to breathe through your mouth. Therefore, if you are a patient of chronic allergies, you are more likely to snore. Thus, visit your doctor to seek advice regarding which allergy medications ...
Basic first aid kit (e.g. pain relief tablets, plasters, cold and flu medication, allergy tablets, antibacterial lotion or spray) Details of current GP and doctor’s surgery Glasses and prescription Multivitamins Birth control pills and/or condoms ...