Based on the novel by Richard Hooker, M*A*S*H follows a group of Mobile Army Surgical Hospital officers at they perform surgery and pass the time just miles from the front lines of the Korean Conflict. Led by Captains Hawkeye Pierce (Donald Sutherland) and Trapper John McIntyre (Elliott Go...
Unlike some other notable pirate captains of the age like Benjamin Hornigold and Samuel Bellamy, Vane was known for his cruelty, often beating, torturing and killing sailors from ships he captured. In February 1719, Vane was caught in a storm in the Bay Islands and was marooned on an ...
With every cricket season that passes the roll-call of great players gets longer. Batsmen, bowlers, fielders, wicket-keepers, captains, characters. Every year more international cricket is played by more countries, making the task of ranking the best of them harder than it has ever been. ...
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The American team captains are pictured together following their Women’s World Cup victory on July 7, winning 2-0 against Netherlands. As Rapinoe’s profile surges, people are sharing throwback pictures of her shoot for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit summer edition, which was published back in ...
One of the greatest cricketing minds and the best mentor. The whole team he built - everyone was a superstar. He is one of the greatest Pakistani captains of all time. Babar AzamBabar Azam, one of the most prolific batsmen in contemporary cricket, is known for his elegant batting style ...
Derek JeterandThurman Munsonhave easily been the Yankees’ top first-round selections since the MLB Draft was instituted in 1965, each sharing turns as captains on their way to multiple championships and eventual enshrinement in Yankee Stadium’s Monument Park. ...
Being a military organization, functional variations exist to easily signify distinctions in rank and division affiliation for most officers, take the simple inclusion of a sash in Hanataro Yamada’s uniform, for example. Captains and lieutenants are often given leave to make extensive modifications ...
The position of a goalkeeper may be the least attractive one in football but it is equally important as any of them. European football in particular has created some of the greatest goalies that the sport has seen. They have often been captains of their squads and sometimes made a differenc...
This is not a list of the greatest players of all time, although many of the athletes on the list may have been great players. This is a list of the greatest athletes which begs the question, what makes someone a great athlete.