排名链接: https://www.eduopinions.com/blog/universities-business-schools/the-13-best-business-schools-in-france/ 蒙彼利埃高等商学院 蒙彼利埃高等商学院(全名:Montpellier Businesss School, 法语名为Groupe SupDe Co Montpellier),成立于1897年,是大学校(Grandes Écoles)联盟的成员,也是法国最古老的商学院之一。
EU Business School offers internationally accredited bachelor's, master's and MBA degrees taught in English in Barcelona (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Munich (Germany) as well as Digital.
HEC Paris, Paris France +1 campus Request More DetailsShortlistCompare #9QS WUR Ranking By Subject 28Undergrad. & Postgrad. Programmes AvailableScholarship Specialized in education and research in management and consistently ranked as one of the world's top business schools, HEC Paris offers a com...
.HEC (法国高等商学院)(法国高等商学院)/MSc/Programs/Master-in-Management-MIM-Grande-Ecole 开设专业开设专业Master in ManagementGRANDE ECOLE programs (2 year program: French & English)Specialized Master/MScMSc international Finance (English)MS/MSc Strategic Management (English)MSc International Business ...
EU Business School offers internationally accredited bachelor's, master's and MBA degrees taught in English in Barcelona (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Munich (Germany) as well as Digital.
The HEC Paris, ESSEC Business School, and Emylon Business Schools are a few of the top business schools in France for studying MBA courses. 4. France VS UK which is cheaper for education? When compared with the UK the cost of education in France is cheaper. Most of the international stud...
Over the years, both schools had gained an international reputation for excellence in their fields, and their graduates were some of the highest-earning in France. 2. HEC Paris HEC Paris is an international business school set up in 1881 by the Paris Chamber of Commerce a...
year 1339, the University of Grenoble Alpes is located mainly in the Grenoble metropolitan area and in the city of Valence. The university primarily specialises in a wide range of disciplines, including but not limited to: science, technology, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and business...
Join a School in France,原来被称作SAI联考,拥有三十年历史, 是巴黎工商会组织的为法国顶级院校招收优秀国际学生的院校申请渠道。它包含以下五所学校: 对于中国的学生来说,想要报考SAI联考需要在官网注册并提交申请,面试将会由法国高等教育署北京、上海、武汉、广州中心、苏州中心进行。
Best business schools in Europe - United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany, and Switzerland. Includes some of the top mba colleges in world - London Business School, Judge Business School, Said Business School, IESE, IE, INSEAD. Courses include MBA, Execut