1. Botanist A botanist is a scientist who specializes in the study of plants. They explore the diverse world of plant life from many perspectives, examining everything from tiny microscopic algae to towering trees. The field of botany is vast and interdisciplinary, often overlapping with other sc...
Excelling in many fields of study and statecraft, he was a mathematician, astronomer, meteorologist, geologist, entomologist, zoologist, botanist, pharmacologist, medical scientist, agronomist, archaeologist, ethnographer, cartographer, geographer, geophysicist, mineralogist, encyclopedist, military general, ...
In 1982, ethnobotanist Wade Davis arrived in Haiti to investigate two documented cases of zombis—people who had reappeared years after they had been officially declared dead and had been buried. In the course of his investigation, Davis came to realise that the story of vodoun is the history ...
He is the author of a number of books and currently pursues an academic career. Birthplace: United Kingdom Nicholas Culpeper Dec. at 37 (1616-1654) Nicholas Culpeper (probably born at Ockley, Surrey, 18 October 1616; died at Spitalfields, London, 10 January 1654) was an English botanist,...
Many of these he acquired from the traveller, botanist, and collector John Tradescant the Younger. Ashmole donated most of his collection, his antiquarian library and priceless manuscripts to the University of Oxford to create the Ashmolean Museum. Clifford Bax Clifford Bax (13 July 1886 – 18...