"Islands are important ... any global conservation strategy wouldn't make any sense if you didn't include the islands," biologist Holger Kreft of the University of California, San Diego, said. Kreft and his colleagues used a measure of biodiversity that weighted rare species occurring on isla...
Many, many scenes shift back and forth involving different characters at different ages. Most of the scenes in the 1940s take place in the desert at Los Alamos, New Mexico while the later years are set in a stuffy conference room where Oppenheimer is grilled for his left-leaning and suspect...
Featured females are Chien-Shiung Wu (physicist), Chloe Kim (snowboarder), Eugenia Clark (shark biologist), Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi (business executive), Margaret Cho (comedian and actress), Niki Nakayama (chef), Reshma Saujani (founder of Girls Who Code), and Maya Lim (architect and artist...