Directed by Hiroko Utsumi, ‘Banana Fish’ is based on the manga series by Akimi Yoshida. It centers on Ash Lynx, who was picked up as a kid from the streets and brought up by mafia godfather Dino Golzin. Currently the leader of his own gang, Ash looks into the curious case of the ...
we're stressing the best recent releases, Amazon Prime Video originals, and critics' favorites. But we're also putting our own personal spin on the list, with underrated gems we've been recommending to our friends, ageless classics, and important selections that highlight diverse voices...
My mother and brother are, thankfully, book snobs. I mean this in the best way possible. Books take a lot of time, after all, and life is short. So when both my mom and broha simultaneouslyinsistedthat I read this book, I had to investigate. A thriller about a detective with Tourett...
All of The Ultimatum cast's Instagram handles Are The Ultimatum's Nick and Sandy still together? Is there going to be a No Good Deed season 2? Where you know the cast of No Good Deed from Are the Black Doves actually real? Which The Ultimatum couples are still together?
The Top 25 Best Mystery Books 1.The Thursday Murder Club, Richard Osman Four pensioners, Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron meet once a week in their retirement village to investigate unsolved murders. When a killing takes place on their doorstep, they find themselves thrown into their first rea...
(2017) and with Southside of 808 Mafia, Swervo (2018), his first major release through Epic Records. Wright grew up in Chicago. He dropped out of school when he was 16. He was influenced by Meek Mill, Jeezy, Gucci Mane, Yo Gotti and Lil Wayne. He is close friends with fellow ...
(2017) and with Southside of 808 Mafia, Swervo (2018), his first major release through Epic Records. Wright grew up in Chicago. He dropped out of school when he was 16. He was influenced by Meek Mill, Jeezy, Gucci Mane, Yo Gotti and Lil Wayne. He is close friends with fellow ...
Mafia! is underrated for spoof comedies. Lethal Weapon 4 isn't the best of the series, but it maintains quality. Half Baked and The Waterboy and Can't Hardly Wait are certainly of their eras, as is a romance film like City of Angels, that I was surprised to enjoy as much as I did...
As one of the best political thriller books out there, the story begins with a threat. Enemies of the USA are planning one of the deadliest attacks in the history of the country. Washington is uncertain about where the attack is coming from, and everyone is trying to find some sort of ...
Book #3 sees Meddy happily enjoying her honeymoon with her beloved husband Nathan, after the disastrous adventures of the previous two books (including corpses, stolen goods, and potential Mafia hitmen). After a few blissful weeks in Europe, Meddy and Nathan head to Indonesia to celebrate Chines...