The Laramie Project Dylan Baker, Tom Bower, Clancy Brown 260 votes Based on the true story of Matthew Shepard, a gay university student who was brutally murdered in a hate crime in 1998, this gripping drama follows the aftermath of this horrific event and the impact it had on the small to...
Each episode features three rounds: the signature bake, the technical bake and the show stopper. After the judges taste and critique the work, they crown one Star Baker and ask one baker to leave. Childs fared well throughout the competition, earning the Star Baker nod several ti...
If you’re an avid bread baker who prefers using your hands rather than a stand mixer,The Original Kitchen Dough 13.5-inch Whiskis a specialty product you’re going to want to add to your collection right away. If you’ve ever found yourself having difficulty initially mixing thicker dough,...
Why we like the KitchenAid Artisan Mini Plus stand mixer: It has a tilt-head that makes it easy to add ingredients. It comes in nine different color options. It's lightweight and compact for easy storage when not in use. It would make a great holiday present for the baker in your ...
Shoppers know they can rely on the department store’s online and in-store selection for everything from on-trend holiday dresses to the must-have mixer on every baker’s wish list. They also know they used to shop there with Grandma when they were 4-years-old, and look forward to the...
5 ways to be calm & why it matters - "Is being calm about passivity and numbness, or is it a superpower that makes us strong? Lindsay Baker explores the ideas behind serenity, and ways that we can achieve it." 5 ways to be sober-curious (and make a success of not drinking) - "...
The Australian band's more obvious influences are immediately apparent on first listen: the Lennon-esque whine of Kevin Parker's processed vocal, the ethereal Pink Floyd keyboards, the jazzy Ginger Baker drum fills. But like the rest of Lonerism, "Backwards" is more than a collage of record-...
The Laramie Project Dylan Baker, Tom Bower, Clancy Brown 259 votes Based on the true story of Matthew Shepard, a gay university student who was brutally murdered in a hate crime in 1998, this gripping drama follows the aftermath of this horrific event and the impact it had on the small to...
Why we like the KitchenAid Artisan Mini Plus stand mixer: It has a tilt-head that makes it easy to add ingredients. It comes in nine different color options. It's lightweight and compact for easy storage when not in use. It would make a great holiday present for the baker in your ...
The Laramie Project Dylan Baker, Tom Bower, Clancy Brown 260 votes Based on the true story of Matthew Shepard, a gay university student who was brutally murdered in a hate crime in 1998, this gripping drama follows the aftermath of this horrific event and the impact it had on the small to...