Top Courses Government Degree College (GDC), AdilabadInstitute of Co Operative Management ICM, PoojappuraRAGHAVENDHRA INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH - [RIPER], ANANTAPURManasa First Grade College [MFGC], Kollegal Karnataka ChamarajanagarMS Ramaiah College of LawWoxsen UniversityTAM...
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Hindustan Electronics Academy PolytechnicP.B.NO 3776, MARATHAHALLI , BANGALORE - 560037, Karnataka Institue of Priniting TechnologyOpposite maharani college, Palace road, Bangalore, Karnataka.080-22258914 ...
List of Hotel Management Colleges in Karnataka NAME OF THE COLLEGEAddressPhone NoEmail & Website AIMS INSTITUTES1st Stage, 1st Cross, Peenya, Bangalore- 560 05828390433/34, 41253496, 41179588, Mob :9343978115/116Email ID: ...
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Telangana state is located in the southern region of India. It was formed on 2ndJune 2014. Telangana state is bordered with Maharashtra, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh & Andhra Pradesh states. Hyderabad is the capital city of this state. Telangana has many reputed colleges and universities which impart ...
KMAT Karnataka 2025 Karnataka Private Postgraduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA) is the main conducting authority that manages the state level entrance exam named Karnataka Management Aptitude Test (KMAT). The application form is made available every year in the month of June. This exam is organised...
Colleges in Kancheepuram. The institutions also have an objective of delivering curative health care solutions with primary as well as tertiary facilities in the particular state. If you are a resident of Kancheepuram and wish to get into medical profession,Medical collegesin Kancheepuram will be of...
Alfred Dekin. It was established in year 1974 and their strategic plan is to LIVE the future is Deakin’s plan for a bold and exciting future. It focuses on harnessing the power, opportunity and reach of the digital world in all that we do. The courses provided by the university to the...
Most of the universities have their information centers across India including the states like Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand,Kerala, Mizoram, Nagaland, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, Tripura, Telangana, Odisha, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajas...