南加州大学 2023年,南加州大学推出商业人工智能专业(Artificial Intelligence for Business)。新项目由马歇尔商学院提供,同时维特比工程学院给予支持。该项目融合了计算机科学与商学课程,目标是培养具备跨学科能力的AI专业人才。除了商业人工智能的联合学...
Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) top-up 人工智能 Business Enterprise and Innovation Management BA (Hons) Top Up 企业与创新管理 Engineering Business Management BEng (Hons) Top-Up 工程商务管理 English and Education Management BA (Hons) top-up 英语教育管理 Illustration BA 插画 Informatics BSc (Hons...
https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-science-schools/artificial-intelligence-rankings?_sort=rank-desc 02 卡梅稳定输出,纽大黑马突围 本次排名出炉,也有不少值得一看的亮点: 卡梅力压麻省理工,一举夺冠 卡内基梅隆可谓是CS与AI本科专业的先驱者,也是这两大领域当之无愧的老大哥。 图| U.S.News ...
Today, Stanford University has a sprawling campus spread over 8,180 acres in the town of the same name and is home to over 17,000 students from all over the world. The university has seven schools, including the Graduate School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Law, School of...
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has accredited Toccoa Falls College to award online degrees and certificates. In terms of this not-for-profit’s reputation, U.S. News & World Report has called it one of the best regionally accredited schools in the nation for a bachelor’s ...
Master of Science in ArtificialIntelligence and Innovation 人工智能与创新理学硕士 卡内基梅隆大学MSAII项目于2018年成立,是生物技术、创新和计算硕士课程的继任者,旨在对硕士生进行实用的人工智能应用程序的设计、工程和部署方面的培训,同时为他们从事创业活动做好准备。 在该项目中,学生将接受有关机器学习和语言技术的...
5. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coursera 8 Hours $49 6. Math for AI Beginner Part 1 Linear Algebra Coursera 7 Hours $49 7. Common Lisp for Programmers YouTube 18 Hours Free 8. Introduction to Generative AI Learning Path Google Cloud 9 Hours Free 9 AI matters Open Learn 6...
MSc Artificial Intelligence MSc Advanced Software Engineering MSc Cyber Security MSc Urban Informatics MSc Electronic Engineering with Management MSc Engineering with Management MSc Mobile and Personal Communications MSc Complex Systems Modelling...
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 5 -- Nursing -- 9 Politics 1 10 Music -- -- Location Both universities are located in the New England group of states on the north-east coast of the US, an area which is home to all eight Ivy League schools. ...
The Graduate Major in Artificial Intelligenceaims to cultivate individuals who have the ability to look at the field of computing from a higher perspective and see the direction of new developments. We want students to strive to find appropriate solutions to complicated real-world problems by applyin...