Founded in 1877,Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)is one of the oldest and best-known colleges of art and design in the U.S. Each year approximately 2,300 students from around the world pursue a creative, studio-based education at RISD, which offers rigorous bachelor’s and master’s ...
Robertson Memorial Scholarship is offered by the National Art Education Association (NAEA). This is a four year supplementary scholarship to Pratt College of Art and Design in Brooklyn, New York. The scholarship is in honor of Charles M. Robertson who contributed a great deal to the NAEA, and...
Find out which scholarships are on offer at each of the world’s top art and design schools in 2020, based on the QS University Rankings by Subject 2020.
帕森斯设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学院,是全美国第一所设有服装设计、室内设计、平面设计课程的艺术设计学院,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design)会员。帕森斯设计学院的校园主要坐落于纽约第五大道和格林威治村,时尚部门则位于市中心的制衣区。帕森斯服装设计专业的学生...
帕森斯设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学院,是全美国第一所设有服装设计、室内设计、平面设计课程的艺术设计学院,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design)会员。帕森斯设计学院的校园主要坐落于纽约第五大道和格林威治村,时尚部门则位于市中心的制衣区。帕森斯服装...
PARSONS帕森斯设计学院,成立于1896年,隶属于新学院,是一所位于纽约市的私立艺术设计学院。帕森斯设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学院(又称“新学院大学”),是全美国第一所设有服装设计课程的大学,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design,简称AICAD)的会员之一。2021年...
During this hot summer, the campus has been constantly busy on a variety of projects. Whether it's the refreshing upgrades to the campus facilities, the integration of new teachers and teacher trainings, or the Induction Day for new students, the school is getting ready to welcome students bac...
帕森设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学院(又称“新学院大学”),是全美国第一所设有服装设计课程的大学,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design,简称AICAD)的会员之一。帕森设计学院的校园有两英亩的校地在纽约市第五大道,主要坐落于纽约格林威治村,著名的时尚部门则位于市...
帕森斯设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学院(又称“新学院大学”),是全美国第一所设有服装设计课程的大学,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design,简称AICAD)的会员之一。2021年QS世界艺术和设计学校排名中,PARSONS占据了世界第三、全美第一的位置!
Ringling College of Art and Design $49,649 $51,170 Woodbury University $21,696 $32,591 The Sage Colleges $22,456 $45,397 North Carolina State University $9,459 $29,433 The New School – Parsons School of Design $28,989 $34,490 Savannah College of Art and Design $15,594 $39,105...