Troy’s tale was written by Homer in The Iliad, detailing the story of the famed Achilles and the siege that ended in the Trojans losing the war to the Greeks. However, what was previously believed to be a myth was discovered in 1870 after an archaeologist uncovered the city of Troy. Th...
Long-lost jewelry from King Tut's tomb rediscovered a century later - "Some of this jewelry may have been taken out of Egypt by Howard Carter, the British archaeologist who led the excavation that uncovered the tomb." Looted landmarks: how Notre-Dame, Big Ben & St Mark's were stolen ...
See Luxor highlights, including the Howard Carter House where the archaeologist lived; glide over Luxor’s ancient monuments in a hot air balloon; cruise to Kom Ombo and Edfu; then see Aswan signatures, including the Abu Simbel Temples. Your package includes full-board cruise, guiding, transfers...
No other place in the world offers a more immersive experience of life in an ancient Roman metropolis than Pompeii. Buried during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius almost 2,000 years ago, the once thriving city’s villas, shops, temples, and baths remain frozen in time. The UNESCO-listed archa...
it is an archaeologist’s dream with ancient palaces, Buddhist temples, monasteries and statues. One thing you notice subtly is the evidence of the Burmese raid with some of the Buddhas missing their heads. You can find one of these heads nestled at the base of a Bodhi tree near one of ...
To the palace, has served • Open Apr–Oct: the north are eight rows the local community 8am–8pm; Nov–Mar of stone seats once used since Venetian rule. It 8:30am–3pm daily by spectators. has an elaborate façade. • Adm €4; concessions €2 • Special ticket available to ...
Discover ancient Egypt on this lively Nile cruise, with plenty of evening activities. See Luxor highlights, including the Howard Carter House where the archaeologist lived; glide over Luxor’s ancient monuments in a hot air balloon; cruise to Kom Ombo and Edfu; then see Aswan signatures, includi...