The shell is made from aerospace grade carbon fiber, Kevlar, and fiberglass. The visor is roost glove friendly and protects from snow and fog. This stylish FXR brand helmet comes with an extended rubber nose, dual density, EPS liner, and a rear diffuser. Progressive density cheek pads offer...
HX. 1170. HX with a price of CHF280, 000 In the new production plant, sitting on the outskirts of the Swiss town of Schaffhausen over an area spanning 13, 500 square metres, IWC brings together the production of movement components, manufacture movements and cases in one place implementing ...
havenamedtwo senioraerospaceexecutivestoleadateamseekingprobable causeoftest-relateddamagetoanX-33liquidhydrogenfuel tankearlierthismonth. BobGoetz,senioradviserandformervicepresidentof engineeringforLockheedMartinSkunkWorks,andBobRyan, retireddeputydirectorofMarshall’sStructuresandDynamics Laboratory,willleadtheteam...