In this satirical and whimsical comedy, a young cheerleader is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp when her family suspects she might be a lesbian. Through its colorful visuals and tongue-in-cheek humor, the film mocks the absurdity of efforts to "cure" homosexuality while also offering an...
Leno's roots are in New Rochelle, New York, where he was born to parents of Scottish-Italian descent. He grew up in Andover, Massachusetts and attended Emerson College in Boston, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Speech Therapy. Leno's knack for comedy started at a young age, and...
Law enforcement and armed services Law enforcement andarmed service membersoften put their lives on the line to help people—it doesn’t get much more selfless than that. Although it’s important to remember that you can get involved in law enforcement/criminal justice ...
Or maybe she’s pitching the 1950s version of an energy drink, “Vitameatavegamin,” only to get drunk from the concoction mid-speech. Or perhaps it’s her husband/co-star Desi Arnaz singing "We're Having a Baby (My Baby and Me)" on the occasion of not just their TV pregnancy, ...
Timothée Chalamet is exceptionally well cast. The actor, able to play waifish twinks, a fantasy chocolate maker, or a drug addict, is just as believable as Bob Dylan. His speech pattern is adjusted, and his vocals are convincing as he immerses himself in the folk world. ...
There, he teams up with soul 22 (Tina Fey), and together they find the answers to some of life’s biggest questions while embarking on a journey in the switched bodies of Joe and a therapy cat. Set in the massive Big Apple itself the film offers so much hustle, bustle, and life. ...
Word the be and of a in to have to it I that for you he with on do say this they at but we his from that not n't by she or as what go their can who get if would her all my make about know will as up one time there year so think when which them some me people take ...
If that speech were televised, it would be all everyone was talking about the next day. You were very funny. Surprised you said some of those things in front of your mother, however. Imagine being my mother. I know, you live in the rock ‘n’ roll world. Congratulations. It’s insane...
He had clarified that it was a mistake on his part and actually he wanted to share the video to some other officer as part of an investigation. However, he was suspended on the same day the department received the complaint. The action committee said it would take out a protest march in...
He continued to speak in rallies where he and the crowd pushed each other farther and farther than either side would expect into hate speech, much like Hitler. In his “thank you” tour after the election, he openly mocked his adoring crowds. When protesters attended and spoke out during ...