The Man I Love, a French television movie directed by Stéphane Giusti, tells the story of Léo, a struggling gay actor, and his unlikely friendship with Marie, a recently separated woman expecting a child. As they grapple with the complexities of love, family, and societal expectations, the...
Jack has the perfect personality to host this over-the-top new real estate based on the Instagram account@zillowgonewild. I've followed it forever it seems like and let me tell you the crazy, unique, are-you-kidding-me real estate the page features is so much fun. Whether it's a $5...
Frances McDormand, an amazing actor in anything she is in, absolutely kills it in Nomadland (2020) an emotional film with startling realism and respect for strength and truth. Mostly a documentary lookalike the drama has heart while wisely incorporating real-life people versus actors in a story...
Oscar Nominations: 4 wins-Best Picture, Best Director-Yorgos Lanthimos, Best Actress-Emma Stone(won), Best Supporting Actor-Mark Ruffalo, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Film Editing, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design(won), Best Production Design(won), Best Original Score, Best Makeup and H...
coming, and when it crests, look the f*ck out. Crypto is a far more integrated into the global economy than we might suspect. In fact, I’ll toss in a corollary to this first prediction: In 2022, a major story will break that exposes a major state actor has been manipulating the ...
The second half’s going to be so much fun.’ There was this other actor who had never smoked pot in her life. She goes, ‘Is this what being high is? This is lovely.’ And then Phyllis Newman comes in and goes, ‘I haven’t smoked pot since the 1960s. Thank you, darling.’...
New Entra ID Protection signals:verified threat actor IDandattacker in the middle, to help protect organizations from malicious actors and activities. Entra ID Protection now offersreal-time threat intelligence detectionsto apply risk-basedConditionalAccess policies to protect identities. ...
without judgment and while offering compassion, you establish the kind of psychological safety that makes it possible to bring forward fears and insecurities, allowing them to be repatterned. The willingness to look at and address what we’d rather not is the key to stepping into our real ...
With the advent of the internet, you could be living in New York City and buying a home in Portland, Oregon that was recently renovated and comes with paying tenants! This method of investing is called“Turnkey real estate”and in my opinion, Roofstock is the most reliable. ...
‘PoetRAT'. Research showed that the malware was distributed using URLs that mimicked certain government domains, targeting private companies. Talos observed multiple new campaigns from these threat actors over the course of the year, indicating a change in the actor's capabilities and showing their...