The movie is not very good, but the trailer sure is. 5楼2019-02-27 17:35 回复 多喝点就觉得 金棕榈 10 86. The Artist (2011)艺术家French filmmaker Michel Hazanavicius had collaborated with actor Jean Dujardin on a pair of goofy, slight James Bond spoofs before they teamed up for this...
1)、打开上述链接,进入豆瓣电影Top250首页,查看该页面的布局情况,可以发现左侧是电影封面图片,顶部是电影标题,下面依次是演员信息、公映时间、国家及电影类型、评分、简评等(如下图所示)。 点击底部数字链接按钮(图1),发现链接变为:,点击下一页数字的按钮start=0...
As great as an actor as Pryce is it’s tough to believe he’s the same actor who made films like Two Popes (2019) and The Wife (2017) so good. He turns Elliot into a caricature dead set on controlling the world proving that an actor can’t always bring a mediocre script to life....
DiCaprio is terrific in the lead role. Nervous and having difficulty expressing himself, his frustration is felt as he tries to warn the world of impending doom. The actor can play any character and it’s great seeing him add a sexy, middle-aged nerd to his repertoire. Lawrence is a kill...
Spike was the essence of the story. Voice actor Steve Blum sent his career to new heights when he gave the performance of a lifetime in the English dub of the series, giving Spike a sense of smooth, effortless cool that many argue surpassed the original Japanese version. Spike proved to ...
Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 actor wipeouts you actually see in the movie. 歡迎來到Watch mojo,今天我們將評選出你在電影中真正看到的十大演員擦邊球。 See you saturday night joe for this list. 週六晚上見,喬的這份名單。 We'll be looking ...
Keanu Reeves: “I would’ve been his wet dream” on Never Working With Stanley Kubrick and Leaving Him “Broken” Like No Other Actor 2/25/2025 by Ariane Cruz FandomWire Stephen King Doesn’t Want To Say Too Much To Not “Jinx” His Next Movie That Can Easily Rival Harry Potter ...
Along the way, they encounter various challenges and bond over shared experiences, offering a heartwarming exploration of friendship, family, and self-discovery. With its flamboyant costumes and iconic soundtrack, the movie remains a beloved classic in LGBTQ+ cinema. Released: 1994 Directed by: ...
Along the way, they encounter various challenges and bond over shared experiences, offering a heartwarming exploration of friendship, family, and self-discovery. With its flamboyant costumes and iconic soundtrack, the movie remains a beloved classic in LGBTQ+ cinema. Released: 1994 Directed by: ...
ScreenDaily “European animation is a vibrant industry, pioneering advanced technologies,” says Cartoon Movie’s Annck Maes 3/5/2025 ScreenDaily El Planeta Mubi Sets Spring Theatrical Release For Amalia Ulman’s ‘Magic Farm’ 2/28/2025